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180 170 160 150 140130120 110100 90 80 7060504030 20 1098765432 1 0 Seconds Left: Why is light penetration so important in the ocean?

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Presentation on theme: "180 170 160 150 140130120 110100 90 80 7060504030 20 1098765432 1 0 Seconds Left: Why is light penetration so important in the ocean?"— Presentation transcript:

1 180 170 160 150 140130120 110100 90 80 7060504030 20 1098765432 1 0 Seconds Left: Why is light penetration so important in the ocean?

2 All life depends on light (photosynthesis), including life in the ocean.

3 180 170 160 150 140130120 110100 90 80 7060504030 20 1098765432 1 0 Seconds Left: Why does the temperature of surface water vary ?

4 Distance from the equator, time of year, current patterns, and water depth all affect the temperature of water.

5 180 170 160 150 140130120 110100 90 80 7060504030 20 1098765432 1 0 SECONDS LEFT: Describe the relationship between water depth and pressure.

6 As water depth increase, pressure increases.

7 180 170 160 150 140130120 110100 90 80 7060504030 20 1098765432 1 0 Seconds Left: Describe density

8 A measure of mass per unit of volume. The higher an object's density, the higher its mass per volume. A measure of how heavy a solid, liquid, or gas is for its size.

9 180 170 160 150 140130120 110100 90 80 7060504030 20 1098765432 1 0 Seconds Left: Describe the Ocean Conveyor Belt

10 The conveyor belt circulates ocean water around the globe, and in the process redistributes heat and nutrients.

11 180 170 160 150 140130120 110100 90 80 7060504030 20 1098765432 1 0 Seconds Left: How do winds create surface currents?

12 They push the water.

13 180 170 160 150 140130120 110100 90 80 7060504030 20 1098765432 1 0 This screen will disappear in 3 minutes. Seconds Remaining. Draw a diagram of a wave. Label the parts.


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