Starter: Are you Rotating or Revolving Starter? Glue here when done. 2/6/2015 169 170 Seasons Lab 2/6/2015 Practice : Seasons Worksheet Application/Connection:

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1 Starter: Are you Rotating or Revolving Starter? Glue here when done. 2/6/2015 169 170 Seasons Lab 2/6/2015 Practice : Seasons Worksheet Application/Connection: Seasons Lab Exit : Thinking about the season we are in, which sides of the are getting indirect/direct sunlight? What season is the Northern Hemisphere experiencing? Southern Hemisphere? Seasons Lab

2 February 6, 2015 AGENDA Objectives 8.7 A Students will model and illustrate how the tilted Earth rotates on its axis, causing day and night, and revolves around the Sun causing changes in seasons by reading, writing, and talking while completing notes and a rotation/revolution and seasons activity. 1 Starter 2. Lab 3. Exit

3 DateLecture/ Activity/ Lab Page Table of Contents 1/26 Wind, Climate, and Ocean Currents 155-156 1/27 Convection and Ocean Currents 157-158 1/28 Fronts and Air Masses 159-160 1/29 Pressure and Atmospheric Movement 161-162 2/2 Weather Walk Lab 163-164 2/3 Severe Weather and Precipitation 165-166 2/5 Rotation, Revolution, and seasons 167-168 2/6 Seasons Lab 169-170

4 Starter: Are you Rotating or Revolving Starter? Glue here when done. 2/6/2015 169 170 Seasons Lab 2/6/2015 Practice : Seasons Worksheet Application/Connection: Seasons Lab Exit : Thinking about the season we are in, which sides of the are getting indirect/direct sunlight? What season is the Northern Hemisphere experiencing? Southern Hemisphere? Seasons Lab

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