1 May 18 2013 AL Communication. 2 Teaching Plan 0900-1000Communication, Nonverbal 1000-1010Break 1010-1100Oral Communication On the phone 1100-1110Break.

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Presentation on theme: "1 May 18 2013 AL Communication. 2 Teaching Plan 0900-1000Communication, Nonverbal 1000-1010Break 1010-1100Oral Communication On the phone 1100-1110Break."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 May 18 2013 AL Communication

2 2 Teaching Plan 0900-1000Communication, Nonverbal 1000-1010Break 1010-1100Oral Communication On the phone 1100-1110Break 1110-1200E-mail, Text message

3 3 Communication is the activity of sending information through the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, by speech, visuals, signals, writing, or behavior.information is the meaningful exchange of information between two or a group of person.

4 4 Keeping in touch How do you get in touch with your friend? “ I like to call them on the phone. ” “ I usually use e-mail. It ’ s quicker and easier than anything else. But I got a lot of spam. ” “ I like to write letters. I know regular mail is slower than e-mail, but letters are more personal. ” “ I send text message to my friends all day. It ’ s more fun than calling. And you can send photos, too. ” “ I use a webcam to keep in touch with my parents. They think it ’ s better than phone because they can see me. It ’ s more interesting. ”

5 5 Nonverbal Communication Nonverbal communicationNonverbal communication describes the process of sending non-word messages. Research shows that the majority of our communication is non verbal, also known as body language. In fact, 63-93% of communication is non-verbal. Some of non verbal communication includes gesture, body language or posture; facial expression; clothing, hairstyles and eye contact.gesture body languageposturefacial expressionclothing hairstyles

6 Nonverbal Communication Examples GestureWhat do you want to eat? Dangerous! Body Language I feel coldI am proud Facial Expression I am happyDo you know? Eye Contact I like youGo left! ClothingCasualWell behaved HairstyleProperFree

7 7 Nonverbal Communication Exercise Goals:To understand Nonverbal messages Rules: 1.Divide into Four Groups of 5 – 6 students each. 2.Group A vs. Group B ; Group C vs. Group D. 3.1 Group A student asks Group B a simple question; anyone from Group B can give a nonverbal answer. 4.Another Group A student gives Group B a nonverbal message; anyone from Group B can give a verbal answer. 5.Then 2 Group B students ask Group A one simple question and gives one nonverbal message; Group A will answer. 6.The two Groups rotate until times up. Score: 1 point for each correct answer Use ENGLISH, please !! 30 minutes

8 8 Break!!

9 9 Oral Communication Oral communication, while primarily referring to spoken verbal communication, can also use visual aids and non-verbal elements to support the exchange of meaning.spoken verbal communication Oral communication includes speeches, presentations, discussions, and non-face-to- face communication (phone, web cam).

10 10 Oral Communication Exercise Goals:To exchange information with words and nonverbal message Rules: 1.Divide into Four Groups of 5 – 6 students each. 2.Teachers will lead Group discussion. 3.Everyone should express his or her message. Discussion Topics: 1.What is the BEST JOB in the world? 2.If we have RMB 1m, what will we do? 3.What are the qualities of a HERO? Use ENGLISH, please !! 20 minutes

11 On the phone Examples Situation: John is calling Mary who is in her office Receptionist: Sun Company. John: Could I speak to Mary Chen, please? Receptionist: One moment, please. Voice mail: Mary Chen is on the phone, please leave a message. John: Hi, Mary. This is John. Call me back in the office. Mary: Mary Chen. John: Hi Mary. It ’ s John. Did you get my message? Mary: Uh, yes, I think so. Oh, hold on. I have another call. Call me later, OK? Man: Alibaba Company John: Oh, I ’ m sorry. I think I have the wrong number. Man: No problem Mary: Hello? John: Hi, Mary. Guess what! … Mary: Hello? John? I can ’ t hear you. We have a bad connection. Call me back on my office phone

12 12 On the phone Exercise Goals:To talk on the phone in different situations Rules: 1.Divide into Four Groups of 5 – 6 students each. 2.Teachers will lead Group discussion. 3.Everyone should have a chance to practice. Discussion Topics: What can you say when you … Hear a lot of noise on the line? Start a voice-mail message? Ask to speak to someone? Call a stranger by mistakes? Want someone to return your call? Use ENGLISH, please !! 15 minutes

13 13 Break!!

14 14 E-communication -- email Example: Write an e-mail to invite your friend to see a movie Fm: “ John Fu ” johnfu88@139.comjohnfu88@139.com To: “ Mary Chen ” mchen123@gamil.commchen123@gamil.com Cc: Subject: Watch movie tomorrow Dear Mary, How are you? Do you want to join me to watch Iron Man 3 tomorrow 7pm show at the Great Wall Cinema? I heard it is very good. Please let me know. Best regards, John

15 15 E-communication -- email Exercise Goals:To reply an e-mail Rules: 1.Divide into Four Groups of 5 – 6 students each. 2.Teachers will lead Group discussion. 3.Everyone should have a chance to practice. Discussion Topics: Write a reply to John … Yes, I will go No, I will not go Any other reply (surprise us!) Use ENGLISH, please !! 20 minutes

16 16 E-communication -- text message Short Message Service (SMS) is a text messaging service component of phone, web, or mobile communication systems, using standardized communications protocols that allow the exchange of short text messages between fixed line or mobile phone devicestext messagingcommunications protocolsfixed linemobile phone

17 17 E-communication -- text message Do you know? 2moro Gr8 Thx XLNT ILY RUOK 4YEO LOL 2D T2YL 4E wb W4U :) ;) :- 0 IOW TNT IMO HAND IC H2SYS HB H&K FYI CUL DK BBS ASAP L8R LUWAc3

18 E-communication -- text message Do you know? 2moro Tomorrow Gr8Great! ThxThanks XLNTExcellent! ILYI love you RUOKAre you OK? 4YEOFor your eyes only LOLLots of laugh/love 2DTo delete T2YLTalk to you later 4EForever wbWelcome back W4UWaiting for you :)A smile ;)I ’ m just kidding :- 0I’m surprised IMOIn my opinion TNTTill next time IOWIn other words HANDHave a nice day ICI see H2SYS Hope to see you soon HBHappy birthday H&KHugs and kisses FYIFor your information CULSee you later DKDon ’ t know BBSBe back soon ASAPAs soon as possible L8RLater LUWAc3 Love you with all my heart

19 E-communication - text message Exercise Goals:To communicate with text message Rules: 1.Divide into Four Groups of 5 – 6 students each. 2.Teachers will lead Group discussion. 3.Everyone write a text message to your neighbor, and then you write a reply. Discussion Topics: Any Topics!! Use ENGLISH, please !! 15 minutes

20 20 Feedbacks … Did you enjoy this class? Did you learn? Did you have fun?

21 21 Have a GREAT week! See you all next time! Bye!!

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