GLENWOOD ELEMENTARY “GLENWOOD IS A LEARNING PLACE WHERE EVERYONE CAN BE THEIR BEST!” Salem Cannon, Nicole Carpenter, Kara Freels, Brittany Kidwell, & Megan.

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1 GLENWOOD ELEMENTARY “GLENWOOD IS A LEARNING PLACE WHERE EVERYONE CAN BE THEIR BEST!” Salem Cannon, Nicole Carpenter, Kara Freels, Brittany Kidwell, & Megan Lamance

2 Report Card Academic Achievement Grades 3 year average 2009 State ScoreGrade ScoreG rade Math58A50B Reading/ Language 55A50B Social Studies52B50B Science53B50B

3 Report Card Continued CRTStatusMean Gain MathC-0.1 Reading/LanguageC0.1 Social StudiesC-0.4 ScienceB1  NCLB status: Good Standing  95.8% attendance rate (state goal- 93%)

4 Student & Family Services  Family Resource Center  Information and referral to community services  Educational goals assistance  Family advocate  Transportation assistance  Adult Tutoring  Everyday English  ECC  PTO  GAP  Backpack Program

5 Parental Involvement PTO Parent Volunteers  Help teachers without assistants.  Raise money for school resources.  Hold monthly meetings.  Childcare is provided.  Welcome in most classrooms, but must check with the teacher first.  Many parents make donations when they don’t have available time to volunteer.

6 Community See Map

7 Student Body Demographics # of Students% of Students African American4014.0 Asian/Pacific Islander72.4 Hispanic248.4 Caucasian21575.2 Economically Disadvantaged 15855.1 Male14851.7 Female13848.3 Serves grades K-4

8 Faculty Teaching Staff31 Support Staff16 Administrative Staff5 Highly Qualified Teachers100%

9 School Map See Map

10 Grouping & Tracking  Grouped according to assessments & data. 1. Tests given at the beginning of each year. 2. Placed in a group. 3. Can test out of group in the school year. 4. December reassessment.  Teachers, assistants, and counselors discuss moving a student from one level to another.

11 Administrative Responsibilities  Principal –  makes sure the school is running as it should be  makes sure school is in compliance with the systems standards  present at legal meetings (example: IEP meetings)  Assistant Principal –  ½ time administrator  ½ time special education teacher  monitors students with IEPs  in charge of getting substitutes.

12 Teacher Responsibilities:  Differentiating Instruction  Staff Meetings  IEP’s & Referrals  Monitoring student progress  Weekly newsletters  Professional Development Decision Making Process

13 Our thoughts on the process:  Interesting points:  Teacher responsibilities  Programs offered (ballet, jazz, strings, etc.)  Family involvement/opportunities  Helpful:  Knowing more about the school we are in, students we are teaching, and our mentor teachers.  Difficult:  Time

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