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Starter  What did you find unusual about the Maasai tribe? Does it make them inferior to British Culture?  Were there any similarities to the British.

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Presentation on theme: "Starter  What did you find unusual about the Maasai tribe? Does it make them inferior to British Culture?  Were there any similarities to the British."— Presentation transcript:

1 Starter  What did you find unusual about the Maasai tribe? Does it make them inferior to British Culture?  Were there any similarities to the British Culture?  Please write a paragraph for the above

2 Socialisation, Norms, Values, Roles and Status

3 Learning Objectives  To define norms, values, roles and status.  To provide examples of these key terms.  To explain the link between socialisation and norms, values, roles and status.

4 Define  What is a norm?  What are values?

5 Norms and Values  Values are widely accepted beliefs that something is worthwhile and desirable, e.g. most societies place a high value on human life.  Norms are values put into practice. They are specific rules of behaviour that relate to specific social situations, and they govern all aspects of human behaviour, e.g. there are norms about the way we dress.

6 Norms and Values  In pairs, complete the norms and values worksheet.

7 Roles  A role is the way you are expected to behave in a particular function. A set of norms are imposed on you in this way, e.g. the role of doctor is accompanied by cultural expectations of patient confidentiality and professional behaviour.  Individually complete the roles worksheet.

8  Most of use have several roles every day – we switch between them all the time  Each one has their own set of norms  This is known as having multiple roles  Sometimes the roles may start to clash – called role conflict  e.g. boys may have roles of being a son, brother, boyfriend, student, part time shop assistant, footballer What if he has homework to do, a girlfriend who wants to go to the cinema, a match to play, a shift to work, a mum who wants him to babysit, friends who want to go to town????

9  A status is the social position of someone. Everyone in society has a status.  There are different types of status:  Ascribed statuses  Ascribed statuses are fixed at birth usually by inheritance or biology.  Achieved statuses  Achieved statuses are those over which individuals have control.  Individually complete the status worksheet.

10 Celebrities

11 The connection between norms, values, roles and status  In pairs, complete the school culture worksheet. Fill in the norms, values, roles and status expected in a school culture.

12 Vocabulary List  Please add new terms to your vocabulary lists  Culture  Ethnocentrism  Cultural Universals  Norms  Values  Status  Ascribed Status  Achieved Status  Role  Multiple Roles  Role conflict

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