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Grasslands Tiger By: Double Es. The Striped Animal In the land of grass there is a animal waiting to hunt,the Grassland Tiger.

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Presentation on theme: "Grasslands Tiger By: Double Es. The Striped Animal In the land of grass there is a animal waiting to hunt,the Grassland Tiger."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grasslands Tiger By: Double Es

2 The Striped Animal In the land of grass there is a animal waiting to hunt,the Grassland Tiger.


4 The Coat The grassland tiger has a striped fur.The fur lets it camoflauge with the grass.That adaptation lets it get its prey without letting them see he is there.

5 The Power This tiger is really strong. This ability lets it get its prey.If not it would be weak and not be able to get its food.

6 Food Hiding When a tiger is full and has leftovers, what does it do to the food?Throw it away?Well it doesn’t.To save food, the tiger hides it with dirt or leaves to save it for later when it’s hurry again and to make sure no one else gets it.Which is good because if it didn’t hide it,a other animal would eat its food.

7 The Body

8 THE HABITAT Grasslands

9 The Grasslands The grassland is a place full of dry grass or normal grass.Lots of animals make their home there.

10 The Climate In the grasslands it’s really hot and it has a rain season.When the rain stops the water stays on ground because the ground is hard.So thats how rivers start.

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12 Why is The Grassland is in Danger The grassland is in serious danger.Sometimes the grass doesn’t get water.That makes the grass really dry and which can cause a fire.Which is a reason why grasslands really don’t have many trees.

13 The Threats

14 The Fur People from the world love the tigers fur.Sure its pretty but some people kill tigers just for their fur.Some just kill them for the fur and then sell it just to have money.

15 Asia In Asia tigers are symbols.So what they do is kill them to put there head,or other part, in the city.Some might be fake but others are not.

16 The Land They are not just killing them,but they are also killing their homes.People destroy their land so they can put buildings,farms,and highways.

17 *Tigers are actually the real kings of the jungle because lions don’t live in the jungles. *The stipes are just like a person's fingerprint because not each two tigers have the same stripes. FUN FACT TIME :D

18 That’s All We Have To Say! Thanks For Seeing Our Slide! And We Hope You Safe The Tiger! ROAR!!!!!!

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