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1 Overcoming a Crisis and (Re)Gaining Confidence Maria M. Klawe President Harvey Mudd College Chair, Board of Trustees, ABI.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Overcoming a Crisis and (Re)Gaining Confidence Maria M. Klawe President Harvey Mudd College Chair, Board of Trustees, ABI."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Overcoming a Crisis and (Re)Gaining Confidence Maria M. Klawe President Harvey Mudd College Chair, Board of Trustees, ABI

2 2 Reassembly Required

3 3 Overcoming a crisis  Many types of crises precipitate a loss in confidence (not always immediately)  For most highly successful people this is a recurring experience  Necessary tools and skills are useful in other contexts  A great opportunity for self-learning  A great opportunity developing leadership skills

4 4 Immediately after the crisis  Acknowledge and validate emotions  Talk to supportive people  Defer decisions where possible  Remember that time heals and give yourself time  Be good to yourself  Remember previous successes, previous crises

5 5 Starting Recovery  Shift primary focus from emotions to problem- solving; accept that emotions will re-emerge repeatedly  Gain understanding of factors behind the crisis  Balance taking responsibility with accepting that you can never control everything  Prepare plan to resolve crisis  Prepare plan for learning outcomes  Remember your weaknesses are usually the same as your strengths, be cautious in changing behaviors

6 6 Continuing Recovery  Form cheering squad  Celebrate successes no matter how small  Expect and accept setbacks  Use props to help stick to your plans  Get feedback on a regular basis

7 7 Increasing confidence  Make sure you have people who provide unfailing encouragement, positive feedback  Connect with role models and mentors  Be part of a peer cheer-leading group  Make sure you have a comfy home base  Learn how to become strong in an area of weakness  Spend time doing things you do well  Experiment with different activities and approaches  Celebrate success  Attend Hopper October 8-10 Keystone Colorado

8 8 Remembering Anita Borg

9 9 reference  Kegan and Lahey: How the way we talk can change the way we work.

10 10 Questions and comments

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