“Pain” 1. “Pain” is noun meaning physical, mental, or emotional suffering or distress EX: When Mr. Palise broke his ankle, he felt no PAIN at first EX:

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Presentation on theme: "“Pain” 1. “Pain” is noun meaning physical, mental, or emotional suffering or distress EX: When Mr. Palise broke his ankle, he felt no PAIN at first EX:"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Pain” 1. “Pain” is noun meaning physical, mental, or emotional suffering or distress EX: When Mr. Palise broke his ankle, he felt no PAIN at first EX: Hearing that his puppy died caused him quite a lot of PAIN

2 “Pain” 1A. “Pain” can also be a noun meaning careful, difficult work (always plural: “pains”) EX: Your mother went to great PAINS to get you an education; don’t screw it up

3 “Pain” 1B. “Pain” can also be a verb, meaning to cause pain EX: Although it will PAIN me to fail some of you, not everyone will pass this class EX: It PAINS me to say it, but I can’t marry you

4 “Pane” 2. “Pane” is a noun; it is a section of a window or door filled with glass EX: The baseball broke our neighbor’s window PANE EX: After the earthquake, we had to have every PANE in every door replaced

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