Chapter 13: sec. 4 Genetic Engineering.

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1 Chapter 13: sec. 4 Genetic Engineering

2 Transgenic Organisms Steven Howell:
Isolated the gene for enzyme luciferase; fireflies used to glow. Inserted it in a tobacco cells. Showed that the basic mechanisms of gene expression are shared by plants and animals.

3 Transgenic Organisms that contain genes from other species.
One gene of on organism can be inserted into cells from another organism. Transgenic bacteria: used because they reproduce rapidly. Can produce insulin, growth hormone, and clotting factor, used to treat human diseases.

4 Transgenic Animals Mice have been produced with human genes that make their immune systems similar to humans. Scientist can study the effects of diseases on the human immune system. Livestock have extra copies of growth hormone; produce leaner meat. Sheep and pigs engineered to produce human proteins in their milk, making it easy to collect and refine the proteins.

5 Transgenic Plants Genetically modified (GM)
Plants contain genes that produce a natural insecticide. Resist weed-killing chemicals Rice plant that contains vitamin A; improve the diets and health of many people.

6 Cloning Member of a population of genetically identical cells produced from a single cell. Easier to clone single-celled organisms. 1997, Ian Wilmut cloned a sheep. Nucleus of an egg cell fused it with a donor cell. Cell begins to divide and develop into a sheep. Dolly /08/eveningnews/main shtml

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