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DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS AND Ergogenic Aids. What Are Dietary Supplements?  Vitamins, Minerals, Amino acids, and other substances that are supplemented from.

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2 What Are Dietary Supplements?  Vitamins, Minerals, Amino acids, and other substances that are supplemented from the regular diet to help compensate for nutritional deficiencies.  Supplementation should be evaluated on an individual basis.  It is ideal to get all of the recommended nutrients from food, but this requires careful planning.  Supplementation with a multivitamin is recommended for everyone.

3 What are Ergogenic Aids?  Ergogenic means work producing.  An ergogenic aid is any agent that enhances energy utilization, including energy production and efficiency.  Example of an ergogenic aid:  Anabolic Steroids  Growth Hormones (HGH)  Creatine Monohydrate  Ephedra

4 Anabolic Steroids  Anabolic-androgenic steroids are synthetic testosterone.  Anabolic = muscle-building or growth  Androgenic = masculine characteristics  Steroids = class of drugs  Anabolic steroids are legally prescribed to treat:  Abnormally low levels of testosterone  Delayed puberty  Impotence  Diseases where the body’s lean tissue is wasting away

5 Anabolic Steroids  Anabolic Steroids are taken orally or injected.  The peak year for anabolic steroid use was in 1999.  Since 2005 steroid use has dropped every year.  The drop in use is likely due to the Anabolic Control Act of 2004 which expanded the DEA’s authority regarding possession and sale.  Also due to Anabolic Steroid education.  Anabolic Steroids are illegal without a prescription.

6 Are Anabolic Steroids Gateway Drugs?  Some users turn to other drugs to alleviate the negative effects of anabolic steroids.  A study of 227 men admitted to a drug treatment center for heroin addiction found that 86% first used heroin to counteract the insomnia and irritability resulting from anabolic steroids.

7 Side Effects of Anabolic Steroids  Major Side Effects:  Brain, liver, and kidney tumors  Increase in LDL (low-density lipoproteins) cholesterol  Bad cholesterol that causes heart disease  Decrease in HDL (high-density lipoproteins) cholesterol  Good cholesterol that decrease risk of HD.  Adolescent growth hindered through premature skeletal maturation and accelerated puberty  Individuals who inject anabolic steroids run the risk of:  HIV (AIDS)  Hepatitis

8 Other Side Effects Of Anabolic Steroids Male  Development of breasts  Increased risk of prostate cancer  Shrinkage of the testicles leading to infertility  Acne  Jaundice (yellowing of the skin) Female  Facial hair  Baldness  Changes in menstrual cycle  Deepened voice  Acne  Jaundice (yellowing of the skin)

9 Do Anabolic Steroids Cause Depression?  Research shows that when the users stops taking steroids that depression occurs.  Depression occurs because when the synthetic testosterone in put in the body the body stops producing natural testosterone.  The lack of testosterone will lead to a severe depression and sometimes suicide.  This contributes to a dependence on Anabolic steroids.

10 Human Growth Hormone (HGH)  Produce naturally by the pituitary gland  HGH works by increasing the conversion of amino acids into protein allowing fat to be used as an energy source, sparing muscle glycogen.  Adverse affects of HGH:  Heart Disease  Impotence  Osteoporosis  Death

11 Creatine Monohydrate  Creatine is an amino acid made in the body by the liver and kidneys.  Creatine is found naturally in skeletal muscles  Creatine works by increasing energy in the skeletal muscle during exercise, allowing the athlete to sustain strenuous exercise for a longer period of time.  Adverse affects of Creatine:  Weight gain due to increase in cellular water in the muscle  Cramping due to dehydration  Decrease in kidney function  Depresses the body’s own synthesis of creatine, which may not return to normal

12 Ephedrine  Ephedrine is an herb that is derived from ephedra.  Ephedrine stimulates the activity of the central nervous system.  The FDA does not regulate ephedrine  Ephedrine is banned by the:  NCAA  NFL  IOC  Adverse effects of ephedrine:  Hypertension (high blood pressure)  Rapid heart rate  Heart attack and stroke  Death

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