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ICBS-R Project Warehouse Zone and Locations Numbering Aid.

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Presentation on theme: "ICBS-R Project Warehouse Zone and Locations Numbering Aid."— Presentation transcript:

1 ICBS-R Project Warehouse Zone and Locations Numbering Aid

2 Terminology Refresher  A zone classifies a set of locations with common properties  Z ones can have both tasks and locations ascribed to them  A location is the physical location where inventory is stored

3 High Volume Template Zone Abbreviations Inventory Storage Zones STOR1, STOR2 Bulk Zones B1, B2, B3,…B6 Forward Pick Zones FP1, FP2 Cold Storage Zones CSTOR Hazmat Zones HAZ1, HAZ2 FleetFLEET

4 Zone Abbreviations Inbound Receive Zone RECEIVE Returns Zone RETURN Outbound Manifest Zone MAN1 Packing Zone PK1 Shipping Zone SHIP-SORT Weigh Zone Weigh ZoneW1

5 Zone Abbreviations Returns Staging RFI Zone RFI RFI NRFI Zone NRFI NRFI Unserviceable Zone UNS UNS Unserviceable Normal Wear and Tear NWT NWT

6 Zone Abbreviations Refurbishment General Refurbishment Zone GREF NRFI Zone NRFI Off Site Zone (L&D Laundry) (L&D Laundry) (Simpson Hose) (Simpson Hose) (Stroups Saw Shop) (Stroups Saw Shop)OFSITOFSIT-01OFSIT-02OFSIT-03

7 Zone Abbreviations Refurbishment Small Engine Repair Zone SMENG Laundry Zone LAUND Tool Zone TOOL Outside Refurb Zone OTREF QC Zones QC1, QC2 Hose Zone HOSE

8 Zone Abbreviations Value Added (Kitting and De-kitting) Value Added Zone V1, V2, V3 Radio Zone RADIO RAWS Zone RAWS Publications Zone PUB First Aid Zone FIAID

9 Zone Abbreviations Miscellaneous IntransitINT1 Virtual Pack Zone PACK_BIN PACK_BIN

10 More about Locations  A location is always associated with a cache and a zone within the cache  It has attributes like aisle number, bay number, level number and bin number  Locations also have a capacity as measured in the number of a specific NFES items that will fit into it’s dedicated location

11 Storage location numbering  Location numbers (in storage and forward pick zones) designate the Aisle, Bay, Level and Bin or the mnemonic ABLB   Example: 09030209 - Aisle 09 – –Bay 03 – –Level 02 - Bin 09

12 Bulk zones  Bulk zones won’t necessarily have bay, level, and bin associated with them. Bulk zones with many pallets should be given row numbers. Bulk zones with many pallets should be given row numbers.   Example: B1-01, B1-02, B1-03

13 Other locations  For other locations, the location numbering scheme is defined based on the particular needs of the zone  For example: –SHIP-SORT 01, SHIP-SORT 02 –RETURN-1

14 Wrap-up  Many enterprises have used this tool successfully for several years  We will learn more on how to best use its capabilities as we implement it at each cache

15 Questions

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