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Lesson: 2 Common Features and Commands After completing this lesson, you will be able to: Identify the main components of the user interface. Identify.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson: 2 Common Features and Commands After completing this lesson, you will be able to: Identify the main components of the user interface. Identify."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson: 2 Common Features and Commands After completing this lesson, you will be able to: Identify the main components of the user interface. Identify the purpose of the commands on the menu bar. Work with the buttons on the toolbar. Work with the pointer in a program. Work with text and characters in a program. Explain the use of primary keyboard shortcuts and key combinations.

2 Introduction to the User Interface Title bar - the horizontal bar that contains the name of the window. Most title bars also contain buttons to close, minimize, and resize the window. Menu bar - displays a list of commands that are grouped into sections. Some of these commands have images next to them, so that you can quickly associate the command with the image. This image is also on the button that corresponds to that command. Toolbar - a block of buttons or menus that you can use to quickly perform common tasks. Work area - the blank space within the program where you enter information. Scroll bars - vertical and horizontal bars located at the side or at the bottom of a display area. You can use scroll bars to move to a specific location in the work area. Status bar - a horizontal bar that is at the bottom of some productivity programs. This bar displays information about the current status of the program or document that you are viewing.

3 The Menu Bar Demonstration: The Menu Bar To open the File menu, on the menu bar, click File. Notice that the File menu contains commands such as Open, Close, Save, Save As, and Print. Use the Open command to open an existing file in the program. Notice that the menu contains two commands to save a file, Save and Save As. Click Save. To print the open file, click the File menu, then click Print. To view the commands available on the Edit menu, on the menu bar, click Edit. Notice that the Edit menu includes commands such as Cut, Copy, Paste, Find, and Replace. To move text from one location to another, you use the combination of the Cut and Paste commands.

4 The Menu Bar – cont’d. Notice the Find and Replace commands. These commands help you find specific words anywhere in the open file. To open the View menu, on the menu bar, click View. Some of the layouts that you use frequently when working with a file include the Normal, Print, and Web layouts. To view various options available to magnify your file, on the View menu, click Zoom. To view various toolbars available in a productivity program, on the View menu, point to Toolbars. To open the Format menu, on the menu bar, click Format. To open the Font dialog box, on the Format menu, click Font. By using the Font dialog box, you can modify the point size, style, and color of the selected text. To display the commands available on the Tools menu, on the menu bar, click Tools. Notice the Spelling and Grammar command on the Tools menu. On the Help menu, click Microsoft Office Word Help.

5 Topic: The Toolbar New, Open, and Save buttons allow you to create a new file, open an existing file, and save a file. Font and Font Size buttons allow you to select the font type and the font size from a list. Cut, Copy, and Paste buttons allow you to cut, copy, and paste text. Bold, Italic, and Underline buttons allow you to change the appearance of the text in a document.

6 To cut the word New, double-click it to select the word, and then Cut. To select the destination, move the insertion point. Then, Paste. To change the font, double-click the word Description to select it. Then, click the Font arrow, as indicated, and then click Verdana. To make the word Description bold. Click the Bold button. To format the last two lines as a bulleted list, click to the left of $10.00, hold down the SHIFT key, click to the right of (children), release the SHIFT key, and then on the Formatting toolbar, click the Bullets button.

7 To adjust the indent of the selected bulleted list, on the Formatting toolbar, click the Decrease Indent button. For more information about styles, on the Standard toolbar, click the Help button. To change the style of the document heading. Select the heading by first moving the mouse pointer to the left of the word. Then move the mouse over Heading 2 style. To make a printed copy of the modified document. To print one copy of the document by using the default settings of your printer, click the Print button. To save the document, click the Save button. To close the document, click the Close Window button.

8 The Pointer Step 1 You want to navigate to the beginning of the document. To move the insertion point to the first line in the document, use the mouse pointer to click before the word Announcement. Step 2 To select the first word in the document, double-click the word Announcement. Step 3 You now want to change the word Announcement to New. To enter text, press SPACEBAR and type New. Step 4 You note that the word description is misspelled as descreption. To correct the misspelled word, move the mouse pointer to and click descreption, and then from the context-sensitive menu, select description

9 Working with Text and Characters first define where to place the information ENTER SPACEBAR SHIFT CAPS LOCK/NUM LOCK BACKSPACE/DELETE

10 Advanced Keyboard Techniques F1 – Help F5 – Start slideshow (in ppt) F5 – Find and Replace Box (in wrd) HOME END PAGE UP PAGE DOWN ESC - back one level in the menu structure

11 Advanced Keyboard Techniques Keyboard shortcuts - key combinations usually involving command keys that help you quickly perform an action without using the menus or toolbar icons. CTRL+P – to print

12 Advanced Keyboard Techniques Special Characters and Symbols ◦ Copyright symbol – ALT+0169 (0n numberic keypad)

13 Test for Lesson: Common Features and Commands Productivity programs are TASKS designed for specific PROGRAMS. Productivity programs are PROGRAMS designed for specific TASKS. ALL menus are common across programs. SOME menus are common across programs. All productivity programs DO NOT have a user interface. All productivity programs DO have a user interface. The menu bar has FILES grouped in logical sections. The menu bar has COMMANDS grouped in logical sections.

14 You CAN also save new versions of an existing document. You CANNOT save new versions of an existing document. The menu bar IS NOT a part of the user interface. The menu bar IS a part of the user interface. You CAN customize the appearance of the toolbar. You CANNOT customize the appearance of the toolbar. A toolbar contains buttons of frequently used FILES. A toolbar contains buttons of frequently used COMMANDS. You CANNOT copy and paste text in different programs. You CAN often copy and paste text in different programs.


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