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ROBOTICS 2013-2014 EDC Theme: RESCUE ROBOT Stay in contact with your partner! You should be meeting weekly at a minimum! Each partner is expected to give.

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Presentation on theme: "ROBOTICS 2013-2014 EDC Theme: RESCUE ROBOT Stay in contact with your partner! You should be meeting weekly at a minimum! Each partner is expected to give."— Presentation transcript:

1 ROBOTICS 2013-2014 EDC Theme: RESCUE ROBOT Stay in contact with your partner! You should be meeting weekly at a minimum! Each partner is expected to give 100% effort in this project and contribute equally When purchasing your material be sure to keep your receipts. EVERYTHING attached to the robot must be documented. GENERAL ROBOTICS EXPECTATIONS

2 Take time to read the rules and guidelines your teacher provided. Here are few import rules taken from the rulebook: Must use new or used district issued motors for the vehicle. Must not exceed $100 in total cost toward the vehicle’s construction. Must use only the two motors provided by your school sponsor for movement on the track. No other motors can be used for vehicle movement on the track. Must fit within a 12”X 12” square Must not be radio controlled. Must not place any adhesive material on the playing surface for enhanced friction capabilities or for any other reason. May not utilize propellers or continuous rotation motion for switch movement at any time during the competition.

3 Tasks to be completed during your project: Journal (Diary section)- at least 2 per week (per person!) ***there will be journal checks throughout this project Take notes during team meetings Take notes from teacher meetings (aka videos) Ideas, thoughts, changes you need to make, and any other plans you are working on for your robot can be included in your journals. If you THINK about your robot, then WRITE it down! :) The diary should tell the story of your robot from START TO FINISH

4 Scoring less than 70% will disqualify from competing this year! Use ONE 1” binder for your team. 5 dividers. NEAT and ORGANIZED Everything in your binder MUST be TYPED in size 12, Arial font. LOTS of pictures and drawings that show the progression and development of your robot! Your teacher will give you a rubric with detailed instructions in class or can be found on your teacher's website Final EDC Binder

5 5 dividers labeled: – 1. Sponsor Page & Table of Contents – 2. Diary Ordered by date, write something EVERY TIME you do/talk/work on robot – 3. Cost Analysis Sheet (with receipts) – 4. Design and Testing Design ideas, sketches, pictures, testing log, ideas from research – 5. Bibliography and Research Information Annotated bibliography -APA format Setting up your EDC Binder

6 Research is 25% of the entire competition Your journal is 50% of the competition. We need more Research! Research is 50% of the journal “grade”. RESEARCH

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