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Sarah Missett. Siberia  77% of Russia’s Territory  25% of population  Most common climate: continental subarctic  Rich in minerals.

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Presentation on theme: "Sarah Missett. Siberia  77% of Russia’s Territory  25% of population  Most common climate: continental subarctic  Rich in minerals."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sarah Missett

2 Siberia  77% of Russia’s Territory  25% of population  Most common climate: continental subarctic  Rich in minerals

3 Exile in Siberia  19 th Century: 1.2 million exiled  Prisoners from Western Russia and Poland  Petty criminals to political opposition  Travel on foot- 3 years  High mortality rate

4 Exile in Siberia Cont.  Hard labor: mined gold, silver, lead, salt, or worked on Trans- Siberian Railway  “In summer, intolerable closeness; in winter, unendurable cold. All the floors were rotten. Filth on the floors an inch thick; one could slip and fall... We were packed like herrings in a barrel...”-Dostoevsky

5 Dostoevsky & Exile  mock execution1849  Sentence commuted to 4 years hard labor in Siberia  Sent to prison camp in Omsk  “shut up in a coffin”  Released to Siberian Regiment in 1854 & served 5 years

6 Dostoevsky after Exile  Embraced Rustic Russia  More religious  Rejected: Western-European Philosophy, Nihilism, Socialism,  Supported conservatism & Pochvyennichyestvo movement

7 Dostoevsky’s Work After Exile  Suffering, despair, humility, submission  House of the Dead  No Western Style  Works: dark, complex, brooding/tortured characters  Existential Themes

8 Crime and Punishment  Siberia :pg.296, 391, 407, 416, 420  “…a criminal charge, involving an element of fantastic and homicidal brutality for which he might well have been sentenced to Siberia...”(296)  Andrey Semyonovitch (Lebeziatnikov) - Utopia is unrealistic  Claustrophobia “The heat in the streets was terrible: and the airlessness, the bustle, and the plaster, scaffolding, bricks, and dust all about him…”(2)  Sonia-religious - story of Lazarus “suffer and expiate your sin by it, that’s what you must do”(416)

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