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Global: 9/30/2015 Instructional Objective: Exam Review Question: How did the Printing Press impact Europe; What were the Key ideas of Machiavelli? CCS:

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Presentation on theme: "Global: 9/30/2015 Instructional Objective: Exam Review Question: How did the Printing Press impact Europe; What were the Key ideas of Machiavelli? CCS:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Global: 9/30/2015 Instructional Objective: Exam Review Question: How did the Printing Press impact Europe; What were the Key ideas of Machiavelli? CCS: 2; 5 Homework: #7: Due: Exam #1: Thursday. Homework #8: Friday: Pages 353 – 357 2/3 1/3 Key Words: Literacy; “Ends Justify the Means” Renaissance Pages in Text: 344 – 352 – use these as resource for your exam...

2 I. Why in Italy at this Time? Revival of Commerce and Town Building was more intense in Italy Italy’s location in the center of the Mediterranean was key! Feudalism had less of a grip on Italy Presence of antiquity (Ancient Rome) was stronger in Italy than elsewhere in Europe

3 The Commercial Revolution Dramatic recovery of European commerce (Crusades impact) Important industries flourish in Northern Italy The significance of printing and mining as new industries The fifteenth-century banking empire of the Medici family in Florence

4 The Commercial Revolution Beginnings of capitalism in Europe Money is actually used as a way to buy and sell goods...not just bartering... Italian City States become centers of commerce/wealthy patrons will support the Arts. Trade is centered in Italy...

5 The Commercial Revolution Profit-making became more important than Church doctrine (it was “OK” to make a living!) To overcome guilt, profit- makers indulge in philanthropy (Public Art) Guilds had great influence on Italian City states

6 Machiaveli Niccolo Machiavelli (1469- 1527) -- “The Prince” The goal of the prince must be power Cynical view of human nature Fear is a better motivator than affection Politics as the art of deception

7 Machiavelli Leaders cannot be “handcuffed” by religion or morality... You need to do what is necessary to achieve your goal. Assume that people are dishonest and disloyal, and act accordingly... Look to history for what works best, not what you think the people want. It is better to be feared than it is to be loved.

8 VII. Renaissance Education and Philosophy (cont) First influenced secondary education Extreme vanity of Renaissance scholars The importance of law and rhetoric in Renaissance education Classical political ideals were cultivated Knowledge needed to be useful

9 The Printing Press: Critical Invention! Invented in 1440 by Johannes Gutenberg. Explosion of printed materials --By 1500, 40,000 titles printed and between 8-10 million copies The impact of movable- type printing presses: research and literacy Spread of Ideas...

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