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New Paradigms & Experimental Facilities FP7 – ICT Call 2 Objective ICT-2007.1.6 NCP Info Day Brussels 23 May 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "New Paradigms & Experimental Facilities FP7 – ICT Call 2 Objective ICT-2007.1.6 NCP Info Day Brussels 23 May 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Paradigms & Experimental Facilities FP7 – ICT Call 2 Objective ICT-2007.1.6 NCP Info Day Brussels 23 May 2007 Dr. Max Lemke Deputy Head of Unit DG INFSO-F4 New Paradigms and Experimental Facilities FP7 – ICT Call 2 Objective ICT-2007.1.6 NCP Info Day Brussels 23 May 2007 Dr. Max Lemke Deputy Head of Unit DG INFSO-F4 New Paradigms and Experimental Facilities

2 Limits of the current Internet architecture and of the IP protocol n Internet has grown to unexpected reach –1 billion users –Tb/s links –Broadband to home –E-europe –Internet telephony, TV, … n Problems have as well –Spam –Viruses –Service attacks –Complexity of management –Adding new devices: cars, mobile phones, sensor networks… –Mchine-to-machine communication n Internet has grown to unexpected reach –1 billion users –Tb/s links –Broadband to home –E-europe –Internet telephony, TV, … n Problems have as well –Spam –Viruses –Service attacks –Complexity of management –Adding new devices: cars, mobile phones, sensor networks… –Mchine-to-machine communication patches

3 Different perspectives for the Future Internet n Industrial –backward compatibility / standards –security for supporting commercial services and applications n Academic/Technological –aiming at clear improvements –clean slate approach to overcome intrinsic limitations n Political –redesigning the internet involves a huge social responsibility cannot be based solely on technological or commercial constraints –how to preserve openness, fairness, social role of the Internet Striking the right balance between security and privacy was internet open and democratic by design or by accident? –do not throw the baby out with the bath water! –European competitiveness on future internet n Industrial –backward compatibility / standards –security for supporting commercial services and applications n Academic/Technological –aiming at clear improvements –clean slate approach to overcome intrinsic limitations n Political –redesigning the internet involves a huge social responsibility cannot be based solely on technological or commercial constraints –how to preserve openness, fairness, social role of the Internet Striking the right balance between security and privacy was internet open and democratic by design or by accident? –do not throw the baby out with the bath water! –European competitiveness on future internet

4 n Experimentally-driven long-term research related to the Future Internet n Interconnected testbeds n Part of Challenge 1 – complementary e.g. to “Technologies and systems architectures for the Future Internet”, part of Objective “The network of the Future” (Call 1) n To bootstrap and prepare the European FIRE Future Internet Research and Experimentation Initiative n Call 2 - Budget: 40 M€ - planned opening June, closure October 2007 n n Experimentally-driven long-term research related to the Future Internet n Interconnected testbeds n Part of Challenge 1 – complementary e.g. to “Technologies and systems architectures for the Future Internet”, part of Objective “The network of the Future” (Call 1) n To bootstrap and prepare the European FIRE Future Internet Research and Experimentation Initiative n Call 2 - Budget: 40 M€ - planned opening June, closure October 2007 n Objective ICT-2007.1.6 New Paradigms and Experimental Facilities Advanced networking approaches Interconnected testbeds

5 Workprogramme text: NEW PARADIGMS AND EXPERIMENTAL FACILITIES Target Outcome n Advanced networking approaches to architectures and protocols –to cope with the increased scale, resilience, complexity, mobility, security and transparency of the Future Internet –coupled with their validation in large scale testing environments based on a combination of physical and 'virtual' infrastructures n Interconnected testbeds addressing: –novel distributed and reconfigurable protocol architectures; –novel distributed network and service architectures, infrastructures and software platforms; –advanced embedded or overlay security, trust and identity management architectures and technologies –system-level testbeds for providing trusted access to e-services with users requiring no administration and security skills n Coordination and Support Actions Target Outcome n Advanced networking approaches to architectures and protocols –to cope with the increased scale, resilience, complexity, mobility, security and transparency of the Future Internet –coupled with their validation in large scale testing environments based on a combination of physical and 'virtual' infrastructures n Interconnected testbeds addressing: –novel distributed and reconfigurable protocol architectures; –novel distributed network and service architectures, infrastructures and software platforms; –advanced embedded or overlay security, trust and identity management architectures and technologies –system-level testbeds for providing trusted access to e-services with users requiring no administration and security skills n Coordination and Support Actions

6 Workprogramme text: NEW PARADIGMS AND EXPERIMENTAL FACILITIES n Impact –Strengthened EU position in Future Internet Developments –Wider take-up of RTD on networks and services facilitated by comprehensive validation –Global consensus towards standards and strengthened international co-operation through interconnected testbeds and interconnection capabilities offered to third countries –Higher confidence in the secure use of the internet n Indicative Budget Distribution –CP 36 M€: IPs min 12 M€, STREPs min 15 M€ –NoE 3M€ –CSA 1M€ n Impact –Strengthened EU position in Future Internet Developments –Wider take-up of RTD on networks and services facilitated by comprehensive validation –Global consensus towards standards and strengthened international co-operation through interconnected testbeds and interconnection capabilities offered to third countries –Higher confidence in the secure use of the internet n Indicative Budget Distribution –CP 36 M€: IPs min 12 M€, STREPs min 15 M€ –NoE 3M€ –CSA 1M€

7 The FIRE Initiative Future Internet Research and Experimentation n Experimentally-driven long-term research –on new paradigms and networking approaches for the future internet –open to fresh bottom-up ideas, no backwards-compatibility constraints –complementing the running FET SAC projects –multidisciplinary n Building a sustainable, dynamic, large-scale experimentation facility –Supporting both medium and long term research on networks and services –Gradually built by federating existing and new testbeds PANLAB, ONELAB ideas for federation Research Networking Testbeds, SAC testbeds Open to relevant testbeds from EU, EUREKA, national, regional projects –For use by European industry and academia n FIRE is a long term initiative: Call 2 is just a first step – more calls planned in FP7 n Definition of a European identity based on EU needs and strengths n Exploiting the GEANT pan-European Gigabit research network n Collaboration with FIND/GENI (US) and related initiatives in the Far East n Experimentally-driven long-term research –on new paradigms and networking approaches for the future internet –open to fresh bottom-up ideas, no backwards-compatibility constraints –complementing the running FET SAC projects –multidisciplinary n Building a sustainable, dynamic, large-scale experimentation facility –Supporting both medium and long term research on networks and services –Gradually built by federating existing and new testbeds PANLAB, ONELAB ideas for federation Research Networking Testbeds, SAC testbeds Open to relevant testbeds from EU, EUREKA, national, regional projects –For use by European industry and academia n FIRE is a long term initiative: Call 2 is just a first step – more calls planned in FP7 n Definition of a European identity based on EU needs and strengths n Exploiting the GEANT pan-European Gigabit research network n Collaboration with FIND/GENI (US) and related initiatives in the Far East

8 FIRE baseline: starting from FP6 research n Long-term research in communications and networking under Future and Emerging Technologies: –Situated Autonomic Communications projects: ANA, BIONETS, CASCADAS, HAGGLE –other future internet related projects CATNETS, COOPCOM, EVERGROW, NET-REFOUND n Research Infrastructure Testbeds –Onelab STREP to widen Planetlab and create an autonomous Planetlab Europe –PANLAB SSA preparing the federation of testbeds –Testbeds related to QoS, new routing, convergence of services, IPv6, mobility and multihoming, etc. n Long-term research in communications and networking under Future and Emerging Technologies: –Situated Autonomic Communications projects: ANA, BIONETS, CASCADAS, HAGGLE –other future internet related projects CATNETS, COOPCOM, EVERGROW, NET-REFOUND n Research Infrastructure Testbeds –Onelab STREP to widen Planetlab and create an autonomous Planetlab Europe –PANLAB SSA preparing the federation of testbeds –Testbeds related to QoS, new routing, convergence of services, IPv6, mobility and multihoming, etc.

9 New Architectures Situated Services BIONETS Autonomic service evolution HAGGLE Opportunistic networking (cross-layer) Common research issues: Security, resilience, self-* (organisation, evolution,healing, …) interaction of new paradigms with society ANA Beyond IP self-org. Autonomic communication elements CASCADAS Baseline: SAC projects in FP6-FET 2006 – 2009, ~ 30 M€

10 Baseline: Testbeds in FP6 (2006 – 2009, ~ 30M€) Federation of Testbeds New Routing QoS in multi- domain IP nets Measurements, Tomography Convergence Services over IP: IMS QoS Policies in IP networks IPv6 Mobility and Multihoming IST RI

11 FIRE strategy long-term FP6 pre-commercial or emerging technologies disruptive technologies, systems, architectures PANLAB ONELAB To be defined take-up WP 2007-08 pre-commercial services,& products FP7 CIP Capacities Study CORELABS WPs 2009-10, 2011/12 FIRE Objective 1.6 “New Paradigms & Experimental Facilities” Call 2 40M

12 FIRE Preparatory Group Report n to be issued in early June n activities identified as needed to bootstrap FIRE –Experimentally driven long term research on future internet –Framework / umbrella / organisation for federation of testbeds –Pilots of interconnected testbeds demonstrating the added value of federation/interconnection system-level testbeds testing and benchmarking methodologies n to be issued in early June n activities identified as needed to bootstrap FIRE –Experimentally driven long term research on future internet –Framework / umbrella / organisation for federation of testbeds –Pilots of interconnected testbeds demonstrating the added value of federation/interconnection system-level testbeds testing and benchmarking methodologies

13 Objective ICT-2007.1.6 New Paradigms and Experimental Facilities n Contact –Unit INFSO - F4 New Infrastructure Paradigms and Experimental Facilities –Per Blixt (HoU) –Max Lemke (DHoU) –Fabrizio Sestini n Info Day –14 June 2007, Brussels – n Website – n Contact –Unit INFSO - F4 New Infrastructure Paradigms and Experimental Facilities –Per Blixt (HoU) –Max Lemke (DHoU) –Fabrizio Sestini n Info Day –14 June 2007, Brussels – n Website –

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