Classification A Brief Introduction!. Picture yourself at a grocery store…

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1 Classification A Brief Introduction!

2 Picture yourself at a grocery store…

3 You want to find this… Where do you go? Freezer aisle – Ice cream area

4 You want to find this… Where do you go? Breakfast/Cereal Aisle – Cold Cereals

5 What’s the connection to science? Like a grocery store, we try to organize living things in categories that make sense – Helps everyone find what they need – Makes it easier to describe life For an example…see the next slide!

6 Scientific name: Mephitis mephitis

7 What is classification? A way of arranging living things “scientifically” The arrangement of organisms into groups based on their relationship to each other. Taxonomy—branch of science that classifies organisms and assigns each a universally accepted name. – Not to be mistaken for… Taxidermy!

8 Why classify? People naturally look for patterns, so do scientists in living things. Note: classification systems change with our new knowledge of living things (and even well known organisms.) – Example: Obtaining DNA information rearranged the “tree of life” big time!

9 Who began classifying organisms? Carlus Linnaeus (AKA: Carl von Linné…he’s Swedish) is the father of taxonomy – Lived from 1707-1778 Created binomial nomenclature – Genus and species name – Homo sapien – Escherichia coli

10 Creating Order from Chaos Logical names created – Tacitus bellus “Silent bell” Tacit = silent Bell = flower’s shape – Helianthus giganteus “Giant Sunflower” Helio = sun Gigantic = giant

11 Science Names vs. Common Names Ailurus fulgens Red Panda – Misnamed…it’s NOT a panda! Closer to racoons CLOSEST to weasels

12 Top Level of Organizations… Domains – 3 Domains: Eubacteria, Archaea and Eukarota Kingdoms – Currently 6 kingdoms – Use to be only 5

13 Taxonomic Classification Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species

14 6 Kingdom Overview Eubacteria Archaeabacteria Protista Fungi Plantae Animalia


16 Bacteria/Eubacteria (=true bacteria)

17 Archaeabacteria

18 Protista

19 Fungi

20 Plantae

21 Animalia

22 What group do you think has the most living species on earth today? Flowers Fungi Bacteria Insects Mammals Protists Trees Archaea- bacteria

23 Recap…What does classification allow us to do? Understand how living things are related!

24 Cladograms/Phylogenetic Trees

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