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8.3 The Supreme Court. Jurisdiction The Supreme Court has original jurisdiction in only two instances: cases that involve diplomats from foreign countries.

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1 8.3 The Supreme Court

2 Jurisdiction The Supreme Court has original jurisdiction in only two instances: cases that involve diplomats from foreign countries and in disputes between states

3 Jurisdiction It has final authority in any case involving the Constitution, acts of Congress, and treaties with other nations; its decisions are binding on all lower courts When the Court refuses to hear a case, the decision of the lower court stands

4 Organization and Duties The Supreme Court has 8 associate justices led by a Chief Justice; Congress sets this number and has the power to change it

5 Organization and Duties The main duty of justices is to hear and rule on cases; they choose which to hear from among the thousands appealed to the Court each year, then decide the case and issue a written explanation for the decision, called the Court ’ s opinion

6 Selecting the Justices The President appoints Supreme Court justices with approval of the Senate, vacancies open due to resignation or death of a justice President Obama and Sonia Sotomayor, his first Supreme Court justice appointment

7 Selecting the Justices In 2005, President Bush appointed John G. Roberts, Jr. as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

8 Selecting the Justices Presidents choose nominees who are likely to be approved, the decision is influenced by the Attorney General and other Justice Department officials, other Supreme Court justices, the American Bar Association, and labor and civil rights groups

9 Background of the Justices Justices are always lawyers, although it is not a requirement, they have served as judges or held other public positions prior to appointment Elena Kagan served as Dean of Harvard Law; Thurgood Marshall was the NAACP lawyer in Brown

10 Background of the Justices The first African American justice, Thurgood Marshall, joined the Court in 1967

11 Background of the Justices The first female justice, Sandra Day O ’ Connor, was appointed in 1981

12 Powers of the Court The legislative and executive branches of government must follow the Supreme Court ’ s rulings; it is removed from politics and the influences of special-interest groups so the parties involved will get a fair hearing

13 Judicial Review Judicial Review means the Supreme Court can review any federal, state, or local law or action to see if it is constitutional, or allowed by the Constitution If the Court decides a law is unconstitutional, it has the power to nullify or cancel, that law or action

14 Marbury vs. Madison The Constitution does not give the Supreme Court the power of judicial review; in 1803 the case of Marbury v. Madison established that the Supreme Court had the power to decide whether laws passed by Congress were constitutional

15 Marbury vs. Madison John Marshall ’ s opinion set forth three principles of judicial review: 1.The Constitution is the supreme law of the land 2.If there is a conflict between the Constitution and any other law, the Constitution rules 3.The Judicial Branch has a duty to uphold the Constitution and must be able to nullify unconstitutional laws

16 Limits on the Supreme Court Under the system of checks and balances, there are limits on the power of the federal courts, including the Supreme Court

17 Limits on the Supreme Court The Court depends on the executive branch as well as state and local officials, such as Governors or police officers, to enforce its decisions Orval Faubus Governor of Arkansas (Left), Little Rock Nine (Middle), President Eisenhower (Right)

18 Limits on the Supreme Court Congress can get around a Court ruling by passing a new law, or changing a law ruled unconstitutional Congress and state legislatures can also try to undo Court rulings by adopting a new amendment to the Constitution

19 Limits on the Supreme Court Another limit is the Court can only hear and make rulings on cases that come to it; all cases must be an actual legal dispute, a person cannot simply ask the Court to decide whether a law is constitutional The Court will not rule on a law or action that has not been challenged on appeal and accepts only cases that involve a federal question

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