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Are you ready for the test?. The Proclamation Act of 1763 restricted travel past which mountain range? Answer: The Appalachian Mountains.

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Presentation on theme: "Are you ready for the test?. The Proclamation Act of 1763 restricted travel past which mountain range? Answer: The Appalachian Mountains."— Presentation transcript:

1 Are you ready for the test?

2 The Proclamation Act of 1763 restricted travel past which mountain range? Answer: The Appalachian Mountains

3 How did Americans respond to the Proclamation Act of 1763? Answer: They ignored it and settled west causing tension and violence with the Natives.

4 What did the Stamp Act put a tax on? Answer: All paper products in the colonies

5 What was the purpose of the Stamp Act? Answer: To get the colonists to help pay for their defense against the Natives on the frontier

6 What happened when your were Tarred and Feathered? Answer: You were beaten by an angry mob, stripped naked, and 700 degree hot tar was dumped on your bare skin. You were then put on a rail and paraded around town where you were pelted with feathers.

7 What four things did the Townshend Acts tax? Answer: Glass, Paper, Lead and Tea

8 Did the first Quartering Act sent thousands of British troops to frontier or cities? Answer: They were sent to colonial cities to stop the rioting over taxes.

9 How did the first Quartering Act take away the right to privacy? Answer: It allowed the soldiers to search colonist's property without a search warrant.

10 What is the definition of Tyranny? Answer: When you deny freedom to another person.

11 What events led to the Boston Massacre? Answer: The soldiers got into a series of fights with the citizens of Boston, Christopher Seider was killed by Ebenezer Richardson and the rope walk fights occurred two days before the massacre.

12 What was the outcome of the Boston Massacre Trial? Answer: The soldiers were found not guilty and it was believed that the shot in self defense.

13 What company did the Tea Act hope to bail out of bankruptcy? Answer: The British East Indian Company

14 Why did the British think Americans would gladly pay the Tea Act? Answer: The Americans paid a lot of money for smuggled tea. The Tea Act sold tea at an extremely low price.

15 What was the purpose of the Boston Tea Party? Answer: To show Parliament that they will not be respected as long as they tax the colonists without their consent.

16 What freedom did the Boston Port Act take away? Answer: The freedom to live. The act denied food to the citizens of Boston.

17 What freedom did the Massachusetts Government Act take away? Answer: The right of self government or democracy. A military ruler was put in place in Massachusetts.

18 What freedom did the Administration of Justice Act take away? Answer: The right to a fair trial. British officials and soldiers who commit a crime would be tried in England not in America.

19 How did the Second Quartering Act further restrict the freedom of privacy? Answer: It allowed soldiers to live in the private homes of American citizens.

20 Americans responded to the Coercive Acts by doing what? Answer: Americans respond by stockpiling weapons.

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