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Viewpoints Point of View is how a photographer looks at the world and portrays their viewpoint in photographs. Some call it a photographer’s style.

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Presentation on theme: "Viewpoints Point of View is how a photographer looks at the world and portrays their viewpoint in photographs. Some call it a photographer’s style."— Presentation transcript:

1 Viewpoints Point of View is how a photographer looks at the world and portrays their viewpoint in photographs. Some call it a photographer’s style

2 Learning Target I can identify different photographic viewpoints – worm’s eye, bird’s eye, unique views.

3 Bird’s-Eye Viewpoint Where are some places at Stewart where you can photograph up above from a bird’s-eye viewpoint?

4 Worm’s-eye Viewpoint You can photograph a worm’s-eye viewpoint from below looking up

5 Unique Viewpoint What is your unique viewpoint or photographic style? Looking through?

6 Do you look for the perfect photograph? Finding a cool perspective that makes you look twice? Creating the perfect lighting?

7 …or do you create it later? …using Photoshop

8 What is your unique perspective?

9 Assignment Bird’s-eye, worm’s-eye and unique viewpoint Treasure Hunt!

10 Learning Target – I can photograph from a bird’s- eye viewpoint, a worm’s-eye viewpoint and my own unique viewpoint. FIND and PHOTOGRAPH: A Plaque From a Worm’s-Eye View A Reflection From a Bird’s-Eye View A Circle, Triangle, Square or Rectangle From a Worm’s- Eye View A Tree Branch From a Worm’s-Eye View A Shadow From a Bird’s-Eye View A Flower From a Worm’s-Eye View An Insect From a Bird’s-Eye View A Person From Close up An Animal From Far Away Surprise Me! From Your Unique Point of View

11 Viewpoint Collage Once you have found and photographed all of the points of view, then return to the lab and download your photos into a new folder called Viewpoint. The next step will be to create a new Photoshop document. 10 inches in width, 8 inches in height and 300 pixels/inch. Name it with your name and viewpoint (for example Kenneth Viewpoint).

12 Your Viewpoint Collage Your viewpoint collage should have each of the viewpoints listed on the treasure hunt, as well as photos from your unique point of view. Use the Text Tool in Photoshop to label each image.

13 Viewpoint Rubric Exceeding – Student has created a Photoshop document which includes all 10 of the Viewpoint Photographs. Each photograph is labeled and the Viewpoint Writing Reflection is completed with proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation and includes two paragraphs, one about each photo. Student was on task and exhibited exemplary behavior, professionalism, and effort. Meeting – Student has created a Photoshop document which includes all 10 of the Viewpoint Photographs. Each photograph is labeled and the Viewpoint Writing Reflection is completed with a few errors in proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Student was occasionally off task and with good behavior, professionalism, and effort. Approaching – Student took photographs, but is missing 1 or 2. Photoshop document was created, but is missing elements. Some grammar mistakes. Behavior, professionalism, and effort is not up to the meeting level and/or turned in late. Beginning – Student has started the assignment, but has not completed photographing or the Photoshop document. Missing many parts of assignment. No Evidence – No photographs and student has made no attempt to understand viewpoints or created document.

14 Do the most! For an added challenge choose your favorite photograph from the Viewpoint assignment and create your own Unique work of art using the tools in Photoshop. Make this photo the centerpiece of your Viewpoint collage.

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