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By: Britney Faulkner.  Interview with a 26 year old girl who is from the Indian Culture group and the Hindu religion.  Discussion of life in America.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Britney Faulkner.  Interview with a 26 year old girl who is from the Indian Culture group and the Hindu religion.  Discussion of life in America."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Britney Faulkner

2  Interview with a 26 year old girl who is from the Indian Culture group and the Hindu religion.  Discussion of life in America compared to extended family living in India.  Discussion of some basics of the Hindu faith

3  Thoughts on illness  Medical Care and acceptance  Treatment  Denial  Thoughts on terminal illness

4  Differing viewpoints on Euthanasia  Doing a good deed, fulfilling moral obligation  Disturbing the time cycle of death, affected by Karma  Prayopavesa-fasting  Thoughts on killing (euthanasia, murder, suicide)

5  Death rites and rituals  Teravih-ceremony  Place of Death  Cremation

6  Death is not an end  Reincarnations  Moksha  Travel to the next level of existence

7  Vigil as death approaches  Mantra is chanted, no embalmment or organ donation  Homa fire ritual  Preparing the body  Cremation  Ritual impurity  Bone-gathering ceremony  First memorial  31 st -day memorial  One year memorial  Funeral rites can be simple or complex depending on the customs, means, and ability of the family.  Rites will vary in the Western countries

8  It is not a “norm” to have extensive grieving  What this does to the body or soul  It is the “norm” to be prepared for death and not to fear death

9  Hinduism in the Western cultural

10  Journal articles  Internet resources

11 Educational Broadcasting Corporation. (2007). Hindu healing. Religion and Ethics Newsweekly, retrieved April 12 th, 2011 from /week1125/feature.html. /week1125/feature.html Laugani, P. (2006). Religious rites and rituals in death and bereavement: An Indian experience. International Journal of Health Promotion and Education, 44(1), 7-13. Whitman, S.M. (2007). Pain and suffering as viewed by the Hindu religion. The journal of Pain, 8(8), 607-613.

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