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What is inside an animal cell?

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Presentation on theme: "What is inside an animal cell?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is inside an animal cell?
vacuoles nucleus cytoplasm cell membrane mitochondria

2 What is inside a plant cell?
vacuole mitochondria nucleus cytoplasm cell membrane cell wall chloroplast

3 Things you need to remember…
The cell is the smallest unit of life! Cell membrane - The soft, flexible outside covering of a cell that controls what comes in and out of a cell. Cytoplasm - The gel-like fluid that fills most of a cell. The other organelles are found in the cytoplasm. Nucleus - A small structure that controls everything the cell does.

4 Things you need to remember…
Vacuole(s) - Are storage spaces in the cell. They can hold water and other nutrients that the cell needs. They can also store wastes until the cell can get rid of it.

5 Things you need to remember…
Mitochondria – where energy is made! Cell wall – found only in plant cells. Provides support for the plant. Chloroplasts – found only in the plant cell. Where the plants make their own food.

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