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Overview of the SSR -SSR Coordinator MRM Campus Ilam.

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1 Overview of the SSR -SSR Coordinator MRM Campus Ilam

2 Background : Received the Letter of Intention (LOI) on 27 th Nov. 2011 Submission of the Self Study Report (SSR) on 23 rd Dec. 2012 Submission of Added Documents on 13 th Mar. 2013 Preparatory visit 2 nd Apr. 2013 Suggestions from pre review team meeting on 15 th Apr. 2013 Submission of Additional Documents on 27 th Sept. 2013 Peer Review Team Visit

3 VISION To establish the Campus as Ilam University by 2014 AD as the point of departure by enhancing its social, economic and cultural specialties and promoting it as an academic centre for teaching and research activities.

4 MISSION The mission of the Campus will be to provide qualitative, scientific and job-oriented education by achieving academic excellence to meet its vision.

5 GOALS The goal of the Campus will be to upgrade its teaching and research activities strengthening its physical infrastructure so as to establish it as an academic institution.

6 Objectives TT o improve the educational status by systematically managing its physical infrastructure such as faculty wise class rooms, library, labs and equipments.  To improve the examination results of the students by reforming, extending and better managing the existing academic programs, and to promote the Campus as the centre of academic excellence through competition and timely reformation of the curricula.  To establish the Campus as an institution having subject wise professionally proficient and skilled human resources.  To establish the Campus as a well managed academic centre for research.  To establish the Campus economically and financially sound with a due mobilization of internal and external resources.  To develop, extend and upgrade the internal activities and student welfare programs.

7 Institutional Structure Operation Committee Executive Committee Campus Chief Assistant Campus Chiefs Departments

8 Human Resources Total faculty members -89(male 84 (94.38%), female 5 (5.62% ) Administrative staff-36 (male 30 (83.33% & female 6 (16.67% ) Students- 2477( Female 1395 (56.32%) & Male 1082 (43.68%)

9 Academic Development Different incentives like bearing cost of stationery, tea, photocopy etc. are given to the students for project work, paper presentation, group and individual work based on curriculum. Teachers are also encouraged to use student-centered teaching methods in their classroom teaching activities. The Campus has given opportunities for teachers to participate in different seminars, workshops and training in and outside the Campus for their academic and professional advancement. The Campus has given opportunities for research methodology training and in the future, the Campus will also provide the opportunity for mini research through Research Unit of MRMC and also encourage and promote research articles publication through journal publication.

10 Faculties and Departments Faculty of Humanities (4) Department of Nepali Department of English Department of Geography, Maths, Rural Development and Economics Department of Political Science, History, Culture and Sociology Faculty of Education(6) Department of Education, Maths and Educational Planning and Management (EPM) Department of English Language Education Department of Social Studies Department of HPE and Population Education Department of Nepali Education Practice Teaching Cont….

11 Faculties and Departments Faculty of Management (1) Department of Management Institute of Science and Technology (1) Department of Horticulture and Floriculture Management

12 Qualifications of Faculties PhD (completed)-1 PhD ( ongoing)-3 M. Phil. (Completed) -3 Masters’-82

13 No. of Students (Updated 2477) ProgramFaculty/InstituteYear 2010201120122013 B.SC HFMSc. & Tech.--30 B. Ed (I)Education402419455469 B.Ed(II)Education341373412511 B.Ed(III)Education329448370358 B.A(I)Humanities155161217187 B.A(II)Humanities129131155135 B.A(III)Humanities174185130140 BBS(I)Mgmt.6365129140 BBS(II)Mgmt.54556292 BBS(III)Mgmt.711085459 MA Nepali(I)Humanities2763226 MA Nepali (II)Humanities3444621 Cont……

14 ProgramFaculty/InstituteYear 2010201120122013 MA (Rural)(I)Humanities1898043 MA(II)Humanities4063847 MA Socio.(I)Humanities61113531 MA socio(II)Humanities69531036 M.Ed(I) (EPM)Education43115523 M.Ed(II)(EPM)Education30261036 M.Ed Eng(I)Education3493728 M.Ed(II)Education2226827 Total2096221322552477 No. of Students (Updated 2477)

15 Result Analysis (2012) TOTAL LEVELAppeared Pass No.Pass % B.A I37911730.87 B.A II43311426.33 B.A. III31312840.89 B.Ed. I94829431.01 B.Ed. II74422730.51 B.Ed. III45421547.36 B.B.S.I1952613.33 B.B.S.II200147 B.B.S.III1035149.51 M.A I Nepali872933.33 M.A. II Nepali412151.22 M.A I R.D.1072725.23 M.A II R.D.542138.89 M.A I Soc1281410.94 M.A II Soc10019 M.Ed. I English601626.67 M.Ed. II English461839.13 M.Ed. I E.P.M.1043634.62 M.Ed. II E.P.M.982929.59 Total4594141630.82

16 Financial Status (2012) Amount of Annual expenditure Rs. 32,146,233.13 Number of students enrolled : 2574 Unit cost =Total annual expenditure budget ÷Number of students enrolled= 12,488.82 Unit cost excluding salary component. Total annual expenditure budge (excluding salary component) is Rs. 67,43,363.88 Number of students enrolled-2574 Unit cost=Total annual expenditure budget ÷Number of students enrolled=Rs. 2,619.80

17 Physical Infrastructure S.N.PurposeTotal roomNew building 1Academic32 rooms21 rooms three storied building 2Administration7 rooms 3Hostel (40 boys 40 girls) 16 (boys) 11 (girls) 4Library6 Reading, officeNew Library building 5E-library1 With 14 computers 6Research roomWith documentsOne computer 7Student’s Union3 rooms 8Professors’ Quarters.10 units 9B.Sc. building15 rooms

18 Support Services Library Computer centre First Aids Sports facilities Workshop and seminar hall Hostels Guest house Canteen

19 Highlights of the Major Activities Mahendra Ratna Multiple Campus has been running Master's Level programs in five subjects. Recently, it has introduced Science and Technology in Horticulture and Floriculture Management (HFM) in eight semesters. As an autonomous Campus, MRMC acts autonomously in various fields such as in research work, design and implementation of new curriculum installing modern information technology in E-library and sending the interested persons to pursue M.Phil and Ph.D. project.

20 Development Initiatives The Campus has become more facilitated now than in the past in terms of physical infrastructure. It has constructed labs for Biology, Chemistry, Floriculture and Horticulture, sophisticated furniture, teaching-learning materials like electronic and non-electronic are provided to the concerned as necessary. The practical classes of the science and technology are focused as for the effective implementation of the program. A boundary wall has been constructed for the safety of the Campus properties and maintenance of the peaceful academic environment.

21 Improvements As per the suggestions of pre visit team (15 th Apr. 2013)  Proper management of departments and sections,  Well-managed class rooms each with white board and podium,  Maintenance and coloring of administrative building, hostels, quarter, canteen and students’ union building,  Classes effective on time,  One storey of library and girls hostel under construction,  Program stage and parking zone on the process of construction.  Furnished and equipped Research Unit,  Formulation of by laws for Research Unit,  Result analysis,  Discussion on students’ welfare among the students of different faculties,  Paving and internal paths in Campus premises completed,  Terms of References (TOR) distributed to different Cells/Departments/Sections.

22 Thank You !

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