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VITAMINS. Fat soluble Vitamins ADEK  - stored in fat  - too much can be dangerous.

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Presentation on theme: "VITAMINS. Fat soluble Vitamins ADEK  - stored in fat  - too much can be dangerous."— Presentation transcript:


2 Fat soluble Vitamins ADEK  - stored in fat  - too much can be dangerous

3 Water Soluble  transported through the body in water  excreted in urine

4 Basic Vitamin Functions  - growth and maintenance of cells

5 Vitamin A  Function  Helps eyes adapt to darkness  Normal growth of teeth bones and for healthy skin   Food source Dark orange vegetables Butter, egg yolks, whole milk

6 Vitamin D  Function Works with calcium to build bones and teeth   Food source Dark green vegetables Fish, milk, also known as the sunshine Vitamin

7 Vitamin D deficiency  Rickets  bowed legs  # Bone pain or tenderness

8 Rickets continued  Decreased muscle tone (loss of muscle strength) Impaired growth  Increased bone fractures  Short stature (adults less than 5 feet tall)  Skeletal deformities * Asymmetrical or odd-shaped skull

9 Vitamin E  Function  Antioxidant- breaks down oxygen in the blood  Food source  Grains, liver, oils, dairy

10 Vitamin K  Function  Blood clotting  Food source  Green leafy vegetables, cauliflower

11 Vitamin C  Function  Forms collagen to help wounds heal, helps to fight infection  Food source  Citrus fruits, strawberries, green pepper

12 Vitamin C deficicency Scurvy bleeding gums, loss of teeth, bruising, rash

13 Vitamin B  Basic functions  Mood regulator, helps you use energy efficiently, prevents birth defects  Basic food sources  Red meat, chicken, avocado, legumes, bananas, 

14 B vitamin deficiencies  Spina bifida  Birth defect where the spine doesn’t form  Because of not enough folic acid

15 Beri Nervous system disease associated with a weakening of the muscles and mental confusion

16 Pellegra  Swollen, Smooth tongue, painful rash

17 How do we retain vitamins when cooking?  1. Cook on a high temp for a short period of time  Do not overcook- broccoli should be bright green  2. Use a lid  3. Use a small amount of water

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