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“Hundred Days” and the “bank holiday” “Alphabet agencies” “Relief, Recovery, Reform” The New Deal.

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Presentation on theme: "“Hundred Days” and the “bank holiday” “Alphabet agencies” “Relief, Recovery, Reform” The New Deal."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Hundred Days” and the “bank holiday” “Alphabet agencies” “Relief, Recovery, Reform” The New Deal

2 The New Deal and the arts Effects/ accomplishments The New Deal (continued) Former slave Emma Crockett, participant in the WPA’s slave narratives Posters for federally- sponsored arts exhibitions and performances

3 Weekly radio addresses Designed not only to inform, but also to calm Americans’ fears and concerns Other presidents have used fireside chats, but with limited success FDR’s “Fireside Chats”

4 Social Security Townsend Plan FDR adapts Townsend Plan Critics: “Creeping socialism” Legacy

5 The “Court Packing” Plan Supreme Court declared several New Deal laws unconstitutional FDR asks Congress for permission to appoint one new justice for every current justice over 70 Plan sparks controversy Results

6 1940: British desperately need aid U.S. law: illegal to sell weapons to “belligerents” FDR comes up with “lend-lease” Lend-Lease

7 Signed by FDR and Churchill while at sea off the coast of Newfoundland Joint declaration of war aims Agreement provided the basis for cooperation between the “Allies” during WWII The Atlantic Charter

8 The Office of Price Administration institutes rationing Gasoline, coffee, sugar, meat, other goods are rationed “Victory Gardens” and other adjustments Rationing & Victory Gardens

9 Impact of Pearl Harbor on attitudes towards Japanese Americans Executive Order 9066 Nearly 110,000 relocated to camps Relocation upheld in Korematsu v. United States Japanese American Internment

10 24 surviving Nazi leaders tried for “war crimes” Questions of legality: some crimes did not exist in law prior to the trials “Following orders” 12 sentenced to death; majority of rest given prison terms The Nuremberg War Crimes Trials

11 International peacekeeping organization FDR was the “principal architect” of the UN Goals Successes and failures The United Nations

12 The Universal Declaration of Human Rights Response to horrors of WWII UN Commission on Human Rights chaired by Eleanor Roosevelt Articles of the Declaration Importance and legacy

13 Europe’s economy in shambles after World War II Marshall proposed aid to “all European countries who needed it” Plan also worked to keep communism from spreading to western Europe The Marshall Plan

14 George F. Kennan Proposed confining Soviet influence to its current boundaries Kennan asserted that containment would result in a breakup or “mellowing” of Soviet influence and power Came about as a result of Soviet- backed insurgencies in Greece and Turkey Truman stated that the U.S. would support any “free” people who resisted Soviet influence The Truman Doctrine Containment The Truman Doctrine Containment

15 McCarthyism Wisconsin Senator McCarthy made subversion in the U.S. government by communists as an issue McCarthy’s “witch hunt” The Army-McCarthy hearings Senate censure Telegram to President Truman in which McCarthy claims to have a list of 57 communists in the State Department (sent two days after the Wheeling speech)

16 Eisenhower’s Secretary of State Proposed “roll back” of Soviet influence in Europe instead of “containment” “New Look” foreign policy; “brinksmanship” John Foster Dulles’s Foreign Policy John Foster Dulles with General Douglas MacArthur

17 The Domino Theory asserted that if communists could capture Southeast Asia, the rest of Asia would topple like a row of dominoes. The Domino Theory

18 Doctrine that full- scale use of nuclear weapons would lead to the total destruction of both sides “Nuclear deterrence” Led to tense, yet stable peace Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD)

19 Egyptian President Nasser and the 1956 Suez Crisis Stated that the U.S. would use military force against communist aggression in Middle East Doctrine used in Lebanon crisis Drawbacks The Eisenhower Doctrine

20 World War II vets find housing shortage Builders such as Levitt and others provide low cost, mass-produced homes First suburban community: Levittown, N.Y. The Rise of Suburbia

21 “Standardization” William H. Whyte’s “Organization man” The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit: job vs. family The “Organization Man” and “The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit”

22 Fulfilled a campaign promise by John F. Kennedy Volunteer program of assistance to developing nations in Africa, Asia, and Latin America Peace Corps becomes huge success The Peace Corps

23 Outlawed nuclear testing in outer space, in the atmosphere, and underwater “Hot line” The 1963 Nuclear Test Ban Treaty President Kennedy signs the 1963 Nuclear Test Ban Treaty

24 NAACP working to overturn Plessy v. Ferguson 1954 decision banned school segregation “Second” Brown decision in 1956 Little Rock Brown v. Board of Education Thurgood Marshall (center)

25 Started with arrest of Rosa Parks on December 1, 1955 Montgomery Improvement Association Martin Luther King, Jr. White reactions Court ruling against segregation ends the boycott The Montgomery Bus Boycott Rosa Parks Martin Luther King, Jr.

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