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September 9 & 10, 2015 Please take out your Baller Sheet, 3-Ring Binder & Something with which to write.

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Presentation on theme: "September 9 & 10, 2015 Please take out your Baller Sheet, 3-Ring Binder & Something with which to write."— Presentation transcript:

1 September 9 & 10, 2015 Please take out your Baller Sheet, 3-Ring Binder & Something with which to write

2 Homework Read p. 351-355 p. 355 #4,5,6 Study for Unit 1.2 Quiz Unit 1.2 Homework Packet Book next class? Yes

3 Unit 1.2 Homework Packet Warm Up #5 & #6 Textbook Questions (4 total)

4 Unit 1.2 Quiz 40 Questions Scantron Multiple-Choice & Matching Entire period to work Study Guide/Key Terms on my website

5 Renaissance Important Figures Lorenzo Medici Leonardo da Vinci Raphael Michelangelo Brunelleschi “Peasant” Bruegal William Shakespeare Machiavelli Sir Thomas More Miguel de Cervantes Johann Gutenberg

6 Sir Thomas More Utopia (1516) The ideal society Satire What would your ideal society look like?

7 Miguel de Cervantes Don Quixote (1605) Mocks Medieval ideals of chivalry What is something you would like to mock in today’s society?

8 How do these writings spread? story-of-all-of-us/videos/mankind-the-story- of-all-of-us-the-printing-pre story-of-all-of-us/videos/mankind-the-story- of-all-of-us-the-printing-pre story-of-all-of-us-the-printing-press?m=512651279ab48

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10 Johann Gutenberg German craftsman ~1440 developed the printing press Combined existing technology from Asia and Europe Could now produce books quickly and cheaply Rapid spread of new ideas Gutenberg Bible (1455)

11 The Reformation

12 Quote of the Day “You are not only responsible for what you say, but also for what you do NOT say.” -Martin Luther

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15 Martin Luther German Monk & Teacher Took public stand against Catholic Church Johann Tetzel was selling indulgences $ used to rebuild St. Peter’s Cathedral Wrote 95 Theses-Begins Reformation Created the Lutheran Church

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21 3 Main Ideas of the 95 Theses 1. A sinner is saved by faith alone 2. The Bible and not the pope is the true authority in the Church 3. Read the Bible for yourself

22 Now its your turn Groups of 3 Brainstorm some organizations with which you have grievances Create your own version of the 95 Theses Construct a list of 5 grievances against that organization of your choosing Keep it clean/mature

23 An open letter to USC… 1.Your marching band only plays one song. And they play it over and over! 2.Pete Carroll broke many NCAA rules and never received any retribution. 3.You refuse to play football games at Notre Dame during the cold months. 4.Your mascot represents a historical people that was defeated. 5.You play your games in the Coliseum…but you’re NOT Romans

24 Share out How could you most appropriately voice your grievances?

25 Quote of the Day “.”-“.”-

26 John Calvin Institutes of the Christian Religion (1536) Summary of Protestant theology Men and Women are sinful by nature Predestination-God chooses an “elect few” Theocracy-Rule by religious leaders – Ideal government Asked to lead Geneva, Switzerland

27 Warm Up #6 Answer the following in your 3-Ring Binders: New Sheet/Two Paragraphs/Proper Grammar 1.Do you believe religious leaders should be political rulers (Theocracy)? Why or why not? 2.What is your opinion of the concept of predestination? Explain your opinion.

28 5 Observations j

29 King Henry VIII Opposed changes to the Catholic church Not allowed to annul first marriage Became angry with the church Takes over the church in England (Act of Supremacy) and executes any dissenters – Sir Thomas More


31 Wives, Wives, Wives j

32 5 Observations j

33 Let’s Play a Game “Name That Renaissance-er” 5 Questions (Yes or No response) Try to guess the famous Renaissance or Reformation person If you guess right, you get a “trick shot” attempt

34 Homework Read p. 351-355 p. 355 #4,5,6 Study for Unit 1.2 Quiz Unit 1.2 Homework Packet Book next class? Yes

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