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Welcome to the foundation stage New Parents’ Meeting July 15 th 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the foundation stage New Parents’ Meeting July 15 th 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the foundation stage New Parents’ Meeting July 15 th 2015

2 In your welcome pack A guide to the foundation stage framework General information including; -SOE 3 form for local trips -Home school agreement -Data collection sheets -Breakfast club details Literacy activities- tricky word wall, letter and number formation, Jolly phonics actions Reading guide

3 Pick up and drop off… 8.45am - 3.15pm school day All Foundation 2 children will enter via the gates to the outdoor area of the Foundation Unit, at the front of the school. Class 1 children will then continue through to their class. Pickup for all Foundation 2 children will be via the gates also.

4 Starting School All the children will start school on a part-time basis. This allows staff to get to know each child personally. Inside your individual pack you will find information about the session times your child will be attending

5 Reception Class 2015 Group A Group B

6 Induction – Group A Week 1 Mornings only Week 2 Afternoons only Week 3 Mornings & Lunch Week 4 Full time

7 Induction – Group B Week 1 Afternoons only Week 2 Mornings only Week 3 Lunch & Afternoons Week 4 Full time

8 The early years foundation stage framework The EYFS framework aims to prepare your child for their future learning and successes through various different strands of development. There are 7 main areas which will support the learning of new skills and knowledge.

9 The curriculum is organised into the seven areas of learning listed below: 1.Personal, Social and Emotional Development 2.Communication and language 3.Physical development- All prime areas that the children should develop first. 4.Literacy 5.Mathematics 6.Understanding the world 7.Expressive arts and design

10 Personal, Social and Emotional Development be self-confident take an interest in things know what their own needs are tell the difference between right and wrong be able to dress and undress The children will learn to:

11 Communication and Language talk confidently and clearly enjoy listening to stories, songs and poems to answer questions such as how and why express themselves effectively The children will learn to:

12 Physical Development move confidently control their body handle equipment hold a pencil accurately The children will learn to:

13 Literacy hear and say sounds, and link them to the alphabet; read and write familiar words; enjoy reading a range of different books talk about what they have read and written The children will learn to:

14 Mathematics The children will: develop an understanding of maths through stories, songs, games and imaginative play become comfortable with numbers and with ideas such as 'heavier than' or 'bigger’ be aware of shapes and space

15 Understanding of the World explore and find out about the world around them, asking questions about it build with different materials, know about everyday technology and learn what it is used for find out about past events in their lives and their families' lives find out about different cultures and beliefs The children will:

16 Expressive arts and design colours and shapes making things movement making music The children will explore:

17 Monitoring Progress During the first six weeks the children will be assessed as a cohort against a baseline, which is informed by our observations of the children. The Foundation Stage has its own set of ‘Early Learning Goals’ which determine what most children are expected to achieve by the end of Reception Class.

18 Communication Between Home & School Talk to a member of staff/ use the home school link book Absence Notification / Phone Call Other Issues e.g. health, family arrangements etc.

19 Your child will need: Labelled school uniform PE kit: shorts, t- shirt, plimsolls Labelled drink bottle- just plastic bottle Named coat A pair of wellingtons and outdoor clothing Healthy lunch box (if having packed) Book bag

20 We will provide: Named tray/coat peg Hslb and reading book- this is for a reading record. This will be sent home by the end of September. Bug club log in once chd has reading book

21 Please help your child by; Helping them to become as independent as possible- allowing them to take responsibility for putting away coats, drinks etc Reading with them as much as possible and supporting the phonics scheme used in school Supporting them to complete any home challenges sent to you

22 Any questions or concerns?

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