Health & Social Care: mapping the changes Emma Baylin Development Officer: Health and Networks, Involve Yorkshire & Humber #VCStourYH.

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Presentation on theme: "Health & Social Care: mapping the changes Emma Baylin Development Officer: Health and Networks, Involve Yorkshire & Humber #VCStourYH."— Presentation transcript:

1 Health & Social Care: mapping the changes Emma Baylin Development Officer: Health and Networks, Involve Yorkshire & Humber #VCStourYH

2 Facilitate partnerships that improve health and reduce health inequalities Champions the work of voluntary and community organisations to improve health, well-being and care. Connecting voluntary and community organisations with policy and decision makers in the NHS #VCStourYH


4 connect policy makers with VCS, to shape & improve health & care services for local communities. inform VCS about changing health structures champion better commissioning & co- production of health, well-being & care services between statutory and VCS influence health & social care policy through sending powerful, evidence based, co-ordinated messages to government #VCStourYH

5 Period of massive transition in health and care structures The implementation of the Health & Social Care Act 2012 ("The Act") required the largest ever transition programme in the history of the NHS. Impacts strongly on the work of the vcs and the people it supports

6 #VCStourYH

7 Regional Structures: Yorkshire & Humber Academic Health Science Network NHS England – Strategic Clinical Networks and Senate Public Health England #VCStourYH

8 http://www.involveyorkshir social-care/ Resources Current projects Healthnet Who’s who in Health Guide

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