USA Parkway Project Welcome Public Information Meeting to the

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1 USA Parkway Project Welcome Public Information Meeting to the

2 Meeting Format and Public Comments
Questions to be addressed during the open comment period are to be written on a card available at the welcome table and given to a project representative prior to the start of the presentation A court reporter is available to take comments today Comments can also be submitted on the comment form Submit comment forms today or by mail, fax , or Reference the project in your correspondence (USA Parkway Project) Comments must be received by 5:00 p.m. Friday, February 3, 2012

3 What is the Project A proposed transportation link between Interstate 80 in Storey County and US 50 in Lyon County 5.5 miles of USA Parkway in Storey County already exists 4.5 miles to County line has been graded but not paved From the County line to US 50 is an additional 8.6 miles

4 Project History and Status
2000 2011 Tahoe Reno Industrial Center (TRIC) built improvements from I-80 to the Storey/Lyon County line TRIC previously analyzed alignment options to US 50 and held public and stakeholder meetings NDOT is initiating a preliminary design and environmental process to consider transportation solutions to improve connectivity between I-80 and US 50 STATUS: The previous work and public input will be considered, but NDOT is still considering reasonable and feasible alternatives The project is currently not funded for construction

5 What is the Purpose of this Environmental Assessment
To satisfy the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) To identify the transportation problems and needs in the study area To evaluate alternative transportation solutions to improve connectivity between I-80 and US 50 To evaluate and document impacts of implementing a transportation link between I-80 and US 50 Required if federal funding becomes available

6 What is the Purpose of this Meeting?
Provide information about the study process Seek your input regarding: The purpose and need for the project Potential alternatives Community issues and concerns Your input will help NDOT refine the study and alternatives

7 Agency Participants The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is the lead federal agency The Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) is the lead state agency The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is a cooperating agency Various local and state agencies will play an active role

8 Project Process

9 Preliminary Purpose and Need
Provide a new north-south transportation link between I-80 and US 50 that will enhance local and regional access and mobility Provide an alternative/redundant vehicle route in case of an emergency or construction on I-80, US 50, or US 95A Support planned land uses and economic development Improve efficiency of freight movement from areas east of Reno to points south

10 Alternatives Evaluation
Several preliminary alignments have been developed. NDOT will consider reasonable and feasible alternatives including a no build alternative. Alternatives will be evaluated based on: Design standards Terrain and topography Existing roadway network Land status Environmental and human impacts Cultural resources Public input and comment

11 We Are Seeking Your Input
You know your community best. We need your input on: The purpose and need for the project Alternative solutions and alignments Potential issues in the study area Comments should be submitted by February 3, 2012 to: Steve M. Cooke, P.E., Chief Environmental Services Division Nevada Department of Transportation 1263 South Stewart Street Carson City, NV 89712

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