Carleton University’s Workplace Walking Program Materials provided by the Physical Activity Resource Centre (PARC) Funded by the Government of Ontario.

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Presentation on theme: "Carleton University’s Workplace Walking Program Materials provided by the Physical Activity Resource Centre (PARC) Funded by the Government of Ontario."— Presentation transcript:

1 Carleton University’s Workplace Walking Program Materials provided by the Physical Activity Resource Centre (PARC) Funded by the Government of Ontario Walk This Way

2 Intent of This Session Provide you with an overview of Carleton’s new workplace walking program Introduce the Walk This Way kit that will be given to participants of the program Give you practical tools, tips and knowledge to lead a walking group

3 Walk this Way – How the program will work at Carleton Six week program Program begins Sept. 22 and ends Oct. 21 Two walking captains per lunch hour shift Four walks per week (twice per day on Tuesdays and Wednesdays) Meet at University Centre entrance (near bookstore) at 12:10 p.m. or 1:10 p.m. for each walk Walk to a point on the walking map and start the dedicated walk for that lunch hour session

4 Walk this Way – How the program will work at Carleton The distance and time of the walks increases each week Week one: 12 minutes (1.0K) Week two: 14 minutes (1.2K) Week three: 15 minutes (1.3K) Week four: 17 minutes (1.4K) Week five: 20 minutes (1.6K) Week six: 30 minutes (2.8K)

5 Walk this Way – How the program will work at Carleton Prize incentive Participants receive a card and get a sticker for each walk they attend Submit the card at the end of the program for a chance to win prizes (water bottles, 120GB iPod)

6 Walk this Way – How the program will work at Carleton Advertising will begin at the end of August Interested participants will be asked to register online They will be sent a Walk This Way kit and pedometer with instructions on how Carleton’s program will work, start date, times, etc.

7 Pedometers Each participant will receive a pedometer Provides motivation Fits on the belt or waist band of pants Worn at the hip and lined up above the knee Research recommends 10,000 steps per day Test it by clipping it on and walking 20 steps – check to see that it is accurate

8 Walk This Way - History Originally developed in 1996, new version released 2005 Self-help toolkit for adults 20-64 Gives basics to get inactive people started on a walking program

9 Walk this Way - components Calendar and pen User guide Participant survey Pedometer

10 Why walk? Popular Cost effective Safe Easy to do Little or no equipment

11 Why a workplace walking program? Provide less active/sedentary employees an opportunity to adopt a healthy lifestyle program Help employees fit physical activity into their busy lifestyles Build community Improve workplace satisfaction Provide group motivation

12 Health benefits Reduces body fat and promotes weight loss Strengthens the heart and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease Helps reduce stress and tension Reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes and certain cancers, including colorectal and breast cancer Strengthens muscles, bones, and joints to reduce the risk of injury and prevent osteoporosis Increases the ability to maintain independent living later in life

13 More health benefits Increases energy levels Improves posture and balance Increases self esteem Improves sleep Increases social interactions with friends, family and co-workers

14 Considerations Safety Shoes Clothing Weather Hydration Warming up Cooling down Stretching

15 Considerations Safety Shoes Clothing Weather Hydration Warming up Cooling down Stretching

16 Considerations Safety Shoes Clothing Weather Hydration Warming up Cooling down Stretching

17 Considerations Safety Shoes Clothing Weather Hydration Warming up Stretching Cooling down

18 Considerations Safety Shoes Clothing Weather Hydration Warming up Cooling down Stretching

19 Considerations Safety Shoes Clothing Weather Hydration Warming up Cooling down Stretching

20 Quadriceps

21 Stretching Hamstring

22 Stretching Calf

23 Ways to walk Four steps to perfect walking form 1.Head, shoulders and chest 2.Arms and hands 3.Abdominals 4.Hips, thighs and feet

24 In case of emergency Call 4444 for the campus Safety department Once the emergency has passed, please contact the Healthy Workplace Coordinator to provide an update and details on the incident

25 Checklist Items to bring for each walk: Water Cell phone Stickers Map Pedometer

26 Next steps and questions/comments Please consider your calendar and register for shifts on the volunteer schedule A full schedule will be sent to all walking captains

27 Thank you! Let’s get Carleton walking!

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