Student Planner Place this in the proper place October 14, 2015 Microscope proficiency tests Friday. Study END OF PLANNER.

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Presentation on theme: "Student Planner Place this in the proper place October 14, 2015 Microscope proficiency tests Friday. Study END OF PLANNER."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Planner Place this in the proper place October 14, 2015 Microscope proficiency tests Friday. Study END OF PLANNER

2 2 End of planner Leave it out - will stamp planners today.

3 2 Period 1 – no food, drink, candy, gum, etc in class till 10-19. Period 4 – Gum hunting

4 4 Summary of last class We had a standard opening, took notes on the 4 states of matter and finished Quick Lab 1.

5 5 Write your answer to last class’s Essential Question: Describe the motions of the molecules in solids, liquids, and gasses.

6 Topic/Objective:Name: Microscope use Class/Period: Date: Oct 14 Essential Question: How does a microscope alter the view of an object?


8 Microscope Proficiency test

9 1. Visible light is magnified by a series of lenses to reach a magnification level of 1000 times. Answers: a) dissection microscope b) compound light microscope c) Confocal microscope d) Scanning electron microscope e) transmission electron microscope

10 2. The subject is illuminated with laser light and viewed on a video screen Answers: a) dissection microscope b) compound light microscope c) Confocal microscope d) Scanning electron microscope e) transmission electron microscope

11 3. The use of electrons allows greater magnification since the electron beam reflects off the gold coated subject, producing an image. Answers: a) dissection microscope b) compound light microscope c) Confocal microscope d) Scanning electron microscope e) transmission electron microscope

12 4. The use of electrons passing through the subject, and deflecting off the atoms of the subject, produces an image. Answers: a) dissection microscope b) compound light microscope c) Confocal microscope d) Scanning electron microscope e) transmission electron microscope

13 Answers

14 Microscope Proficiency test

15 1. Visible light is magnified by a series of lenses to reach a magnification level of 1000 times. Answers: a) dissection microscope b) compound light microscope c) Confocal microscope d) Scanning electron microscope e) transmission electron microscope

16 2. The subject is illuminated with laser light and viewed on a video screen Answers: a) dissection microscope b) compound light microscope c) Confocal microscope d) Scanning electron microscope e) transmission electron microscope

17 3. The use of electrons allows greater magnification since the electron beam reflects off the gold coated subject, producing an image. Answers: a) dissection microscope b) compound light microscope c) Confocal microscope d) Scanning electron microscope e) transmission electron microscope

18 4. The use of electrons passing through the subject, and deflecting off the atoms of the subject, produces an image. Answers: a) dissection microscope b) compound light microscope c) Confocal microscope d) Scanning electron microscope e) transmission electron microscope

19 Oct 8 Vocab Test Review Link 19

20 Homework Friday - Microscope proficiency tests - study. (Labs this week for 100% safety tests.)

21 Today’s Work Review quiz Microscope lab Work on posters

22 Make sure your poster shows all 4 states of matter. Correct errors in the posters shown. Fill your paper completely with the drawing. You may collaborate with others – one does lettering, one does drawing. You have an idea on how to do this? Great! Do your own design Poster Link

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