Center Grove High School Welcomes You! Parent Scheduling Night November 5, 2015 For Present 9 th and 10 th Graders.

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Presentation on theme: "Center Grove High School Welcomes You! Parent Scheduling Night November 5, 2015 For Present 9 th and 10 th Graders."— Presentation transcript:

1 Center Grove High School Welcomes You! Parent Scheduling Night November 5, 2015 For Present 9 th and 10 th Graders

2 Agenda Introductions General Scheduling Information STGEC: Statewide Transfer General Ed Core Q/A Session Information in the Hall of Excellence  Departments/Programs  Early College  Guidance Counselors

3 Administrative Staff Mr. Douglas Bird, Principal Mrs. Sandy Hillman, Assistant Principal Mrs. Tricia Ferguson, Assistant Principal Mr. Jake Short, Assistant Principal Mrs. Tracy McMahen, Assistant Principal Mr. Dave Walpole, Dean of Students Mr. Ryan Williamson, Dean of Students

4 Counseling Staff A-BeMrs. Pam Price, Director Bh-FMrs. Meaghan Krukemeier G-LMrs. Stephanie Paul M-RMrs. Connie Poston S-ZMrs. Lindsay Miller Early CollegeMrs. Angela Chaplin Guidance Secretary Mrs. Karen Cornett Registrar Mrs. Beth Duffey

5 Scheduling Timeline 9 th grade students will receive their materials during their Keystone Class the week of November 2-5 th. Scheduling materials will be distributed to 10 th grade students during STaR November 9-13 th. Information regarding the entering of online course requests via Skyward will be explained during class meetings with students. November 13, 2015 Deadline for Freshmen November 20, 2015 Deadline For Sophomores Course selection forms turned into the Guidance Office Online course selections completed on Skyward.

6 Scheduling Timeline Counselors will schedule appointments with 9 th and 10 th grade students during November and December to review online course selections Master schedule created based upon student demand and staff availability

7 Honors Courses Preparation for Advanced Placement (AP) and college-level work More critical thinking More intensive reading and writing assignments Self-discipline and motivation is necessary Good organizational skills are important Teacher recommendation required

8 Global Campus Opportunities Supplemental Online Program Emphasizes Real World Relevance Provides Meaningful Relationships Removes Barriers to Learning Jake Short – Assistant Principal Joe Lamb – E-Learning Coordinator

9 Characteristics of Successful GC Students u Self-Motivated u C and above in traditional classroom u Familiar with Canvas u Organized

10 Schedule Change Policy Students will not be able to drop courses unless the request meets the following criteria:  need to meet high school graduation requirements  need to meet college entrance requirements  need to balance over-crowded classes  an error in computer entry  late staff changes Requested changes related to teacher assignments, lunch assignments, class periods. etc. will not be considered. Students selecting year long courses are committed to taking the entire year and will not be allowed to drop at semester.

11 Scheduling Changes u May 1 st is the final deadline for making changes in your student’s course selections. u After the semester begins, students will remain in the classes they have chosen. u Teacher recommendations are vital to students being placed in courses that they have the best chance to be successful. u Academic Honors Diploma does NOT require honors classes.

12 Important Scheduling Information Check requirements for desired diploma (Core 40, Core 40 with Academic Honors, Core 40 with Technical Honors) as described in the Academic Guide. College bound students must have at least four, preferably five, college preparatory classes each semester of their high school career.

13 Important Scheduling Information As students progress through CGHS, choices will have to be prioritized and not all courses may fit into a schedule. Dual Credit opportunities are available and listed in the Academic Guide Applications may be required for some courses. Information will be available on the Guidance Website.

14 Scheduling Checklist…. Seven semester courses selected for each semester (not including study hall) Six alternate courses selected Course requests entered on Skyward Required teacher recommendations/teacher signatures obtained Parent and student signature



17 STGEC u New Program that allows a combination of Dual Credit and AP courses to count for the general education core classes in college. More Information will be available at a STGEC meeting immediately following this presentation.

18 Remember… Course requests must be entered on Skyward and Course selection forms are due in the guidance office November 13, 2015 for Freshmen November 20, 2015 For Sophomores

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