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Andrew Jackson: Champion of the Common Man or “King Andrew”?

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Presentation on theme: "Andrew Jackson: Champion of the Common Man or “King Andrew”?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Andrew Jackson: Champion of the Common Man or “King Andrew”?

2 Key Tenets of Jacksonian Democracy Belief in the common man Represented the interests of the people, not the special interests of the Eastern elite Expanded white male suffrage Nominating conventions replaced legislative caucuses of party leaders Supported patronage – the policy of placing political supporters in office “To the victors belong the spoils”

3 Jackson & the Bank Jackson distrusted the BUS because he thought it was monopolistic 1832 Jackson vetoed a bill to renew the BUS charter, making him popular with the common people


5 Jackson & the Bank After winning the 1832 election, Jackson set out to kill the bank Wanted to illegally withdraw federal funds & redeposit the money into state “pet banks” Bank Pres. Nicholas Biddle responded by raising interest rates & calling in loans owed by state banks Results Led to an increase in the number of state banks that issued their own currency Pushed the nation toward economic instability & a depression in 1837

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