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Senior Book 3 Lesson 57 On Reading Designer: Wei Shuxin ( 石油高中 )

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Presentation on theme: "Senior Book 3 Lesson 57 On Reading Designer: Wei Shuxin ( 石油高中 )"— Presentation transcript:

1 Senior Book 3 Lesson 57 On Reading Designer: Wei Shuxin ( 石油高中 )

2 My analysis consists of the following parts: Text analysis Dealing with the text Teaching methods and the foundation of them Teaching procedures Blockboard designing

3 I.Text analysis 1.Status and function of the text This text is the first part of Unit 15 “ Study Skills ”, which plays a very important role in both further understanding of the next part of the text and developing the students ’ reading skills.

4 As everyone knows teaching of reading is of great importance to all those senior high school students. I am sure the successful learning of the lesson may affect them all the life. The ability of reading is just part Of the ability of studying all one`s life.

5 Meanwhile,this text has adopted some famous saying from Francis Bacon ’ s well-known essay “ OfStudy ”, which is written vividly and beautifully. It will do a lot of good to the young students.

6 2.Teaching aims and demands Knowledge objects Ability objects Moral objects Foundation of establishing the aims and demands

7 1/.Knowledge objects To understand the linguistic Knowledge and functional language.

8 2/.Ability objects: 1).Master the skills of reading and guessing the meanings of new words; 2).Train the students ’ ability of gaining some specific information while reading; 3). Develop the students ’ ability of creative thinking.

9 3/. Moral objects through emotional education: Through the learning of the text, let students form the good habit of reading and encourage them to read more literature works and appreciate the beauty inside the works.

10 3.The key and difficult points and their foundations The improvement of reading skills. 2/.difficult point The understanding of the text as a whole and how to guess the unknown information through the known. 1/.key point

11 II. Dealing with the text

12 III.Teaching methods Teaching method is designed to match teaching aims.According to the principle of communication, The teaching method in this text is a combination method of Five Steps Method, Communicative Method and Aural-oral Method.

13 IV.Learning Method direction Let the class be Students- Centered. Grasp the interests Of the Ss and help them master the skills of reading and guessing the meanings of new words through the context.

14 V.Teaching aids Computer,projector, recorder,some soft-wares.

15 VI.Teaching procedures: Step One Revision Step Two Preparation for reading New Words

16 swallow chew digest hobby enlarge tip

17 Background Knowledge is power. Francis Bacon (1561-1626)


19 Step Three :Reading Main Ideas Language Points

20 Step Four Practice Step Five Summary Step Six Homework

21 Blackboard designing Main Ideas: Part one Part two Part three Part four Part five Part six Language points different ways 2.dip into 3.tip to do something 5.if not; if so

22 Thank you very much!

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