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Mental Health Wellness: A Homeopathic Approach Michigan School Counselor Association Fall Conference Kathleen Slonager, RN, ADS, AE-C, CCH, RSHom(NA) Transformational.

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Presentation on theme: "Mental Health Wellness: A Homeopathic Approach Michigan School Counselor Association Fall Conference Kathleen Slonager, RN, ADS, AE-C, CCH, RSHom(NA) Transformational."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mental Health Wellness: A Homeopathic Approach Michigan School Counselor Association Fall Conference Kathleen Slonager, RN, ADS, AE-C, CCH, RSHom(NA) Transformational Health, PC Beverly Hills, Michigan November 2015

2 Presenter Kathleen Slonager –Registered Nurse –Nationally Certified Classical Homeopath –In practice since 2004 –Over 25 years in Health & Wellness –President: Homeopathic Nurses Association –Certified Asthma Educator, Certified Acupuncture Detoxification Specialist

3 Disclosure, etc. - Owner/Practitioner : Transformational Health PC (homeopathic holistic healthcare) - Executive Director : Asthma & Allergy Foundation of American – Michigan Chapter - Consultant : Ideomed (web & mobile based patient engagement solutions innovator) - Consultant : Energy Foundation (a non-profit org that funds NPO’s to build the new energy economy) - Consultant: Michigan Department of Health & Human Services - Speaker : Health Alliance Plan

4 Disclaimer This presentation is intended for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat condition(s) or in any way replace the services of a qualified health care practitioner. Recommendations are probably not covered under your health plan policy, so Take Charge of Your Health!

5 What is Homeopathy? The History Homeopathy is a system of medicine that is based on the Law of Similars. The truth of this law has been verified experimentally and clinically for the last 200 years (National Center for Homeopathy) The word “homeopathy” comes from the Greek words: homoios which means “similar” and pathos which means “suffering” It’s primary principle is: Similia Similibus Curentur, which translates: "Let likes cure likes"

6 History System developed by Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) over 200 years ago German physician who earned his Doctor of Medicine degree in 1779 Scientific advances were beginning, but clinical practice of medicine was rife with superstition & lack of scientific rigor. ie: purgatives, bleeding, blistering plasters, herbal preparations

7 History, cont. Hahnemann began researching & experimenting believing that a substance can cure what it can induce First used cinchona bark (malaria treatment) Concluded that effective drugs must produce symptoms in healthy people that are similar to the symptoms of that disease

8 What is Homeopathy? Homeopathic medicines work by stimulating the body’s own immune system (vital force) Non-toxic and when properly administered are safe for infants, children, adults and animals Substances are diluted to micro-dose levels – nanoparticles (past Avogadro’s law) ex: 30X, 12C, 1M No known side-effects

9 What is Homeopathy? Made from a variety of substances: plants/flowers, minerals, animal products Made in accordance of the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States (HPUS) Homeopathic medicines are considered drug products under the law (FDA) since 1938 via the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, authored by Senator Royal Copeland, M.D., himself a homeopathic physician Many are available OTC(over-the-counter)

10 Homeopathic Health Model Allopathy Homeopathy Medicines have different biological effects from the illness Medicines have similar biological effects to the illness Act directly upon tissues & cells of the body, w/o any effects upon the body’s innate healing powers Initiates self-healing process, acting indirectly on the diseased cells and organs Counter effects of pathological tendencies, but do not change the tendencies themselves. Medicines can cure, but rarely, and usually not w/o destroying cells in the process Heal the diseased tissues or remove the biological tendency to develop the disease (i.e.: medicines can “restore”)

11 Homeopathic Health Model Allopathy Homeopathy Medicines (for chronic illness) are taken continuously & indefinitely In general, medicines are taken infrequently & only as often as needed May cause side effects in some cases & in the worst cases, may hasten or lead to disease/death from toxicity Free of side effects and toxicity Crude or large material doses that work on a chemical level Infinitesimally small doses - just enough to provoke a reaction The mental & physical are divided as separate areas of health, treated by different specialists There is not a division made between mental & physical aspects of health. The whole person is always treated

12 Homeopathic Health Model Allopathy Homeopathy Concurrent symptoms & illnesses are considered "co-morbid" and require use of multiple medications or treatments - at least one for each condition Concurrent symptoms & illnesses treated together as multiple manifestations of the underlying disease state by one medicine Illness as defined conventionally is felt to be a valid existential construct, equivalent to the sum of symptoms & physical manifestations Illness is felt to be a sign of biological imbalance which remedies correct. Conventionally defined illness is merely the indicator of imbalance Usually palliates the symptoms of illness without addressing the underlying cause Addresses the underlying cause and attempts to “alleviate” the illness Thanks to Ann McKay, RN-BC, HN-BC, CCH, NC-BC for much of this information.

13 Evidence-Based Medicine? Scientific skepticism, stemming mostly from a lack of an apparent mechanism of action, has led to the assumption that homeopathy’s clinical success is due only to placebo responses Research has been going on for several decades Needs unique methodologies ONE example is a study of children suffering from recurring ear infections, where over 70 % did NOT have another infection in the year after homeopathic treatment. The figure was 57 % for those who had conventional drugs. Friese K-H, Kruse S, Ludtke R, Moeller H "Homeopathic treatment of otitis media in children: comparisons with conventional therapy". Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther. 1997; 35: 296-301.

14 Evidence-Based Medicine Steinsbekk, A. Patients' assessments of the effectiveness of homeopathic care in Norway: A prospective observational multicentre outcome study. Homeopathy, Volume 94, Issue 1, January 2005, Pages 10-16. “70 % of patients report positive health changes after homeopathic treatment. Most of these have already tried conventional medicine, with little or no effect”

15 Evidence-Based Medicine Taylor MA, Reilly D, Llewellyn-Jones RH, McSharry C, Aitchison T, Lancaster T, Vickers A. British Medical Journal 2000; 321: 471-476. Randomized controlled trial of homeopathy versus placebo in perennial allergic rhinitis. “The homoeopathy group had a significant objective improvement in nasal airflow compared with the placebo group…The objective results reinforce earlier evidence that homoeopathic dilutions differ from placebo.”

16 Philosophy & Principles The Law of Similars Vital Force Totality of Symptoms Minimum Dose Single Remedy

17 Law of Similars "Similia similibus curentur" “Like cures like…Any substance which can produce a totality of symptoms in a healthy human being can cure that totality of symptoms in a sick human being.” Samuel Hahnemann

18 Vital Force “During health, a spiritual power (autocracy, vital force) animates the organism and keeps it in harmonious order.” Samuel Hahnemann, Organon of Medicine, 1810 When symptoms of illness are present, vital force is unbalanced – not in homeostasis Remedies work to return homeostasis

19 Totality of Symptoms “…it follows undeniably that the sum of all the symptoms and conditions in each individual case of disease must be the sole indication, the sole guide to direct us in the choice of a remedy.” Samuel Hahnemann, Organon of Medicine, A-17, 5 & 6 th edition, 1833 “The homeopathic method of prescribing on a totality of symptoms is designed to be curative, not just palliative & suppressive.” Luc DeSchepper, MD, PhD, CHom, DIHom, Lic.Ac.

20 Totality of Symptoms The unique and common physiological and psychological symptoms of each case are assessed by the homeopath & a remedy is selected that matches the totality of that persons symptoms Aconite Comes on suddenly Awakens in night (2:00am) after exposure to cold Fever with restlessness Anxiety/fearfulness (of death) due to suddenness of onset Burning throat and thirst Belladonna Suddenness of onset Redness & heat High fever/red face Pulsing neck veins Eyes dilated Sensitivity to noise/movement May be delirious/sees monsters Throat swollen (glands) Aconite vs Belladonna For Colds or Flu Match the remedy symptoms with those experienced by person

21 Minimum Dose “The correctness of a medicine for a given case…depends not only on its accurate homeopathic selection but also on the correct size (or rather smallness) of the dose.” Samuel Hahnemann, Organon of Medicine, A-275, 5 & 6 th edition, 1833 Dosing begins with the lowest possible potency with minimal repetitions

22 Single Remedy Only one remedy can be the most similar at any given time to the condition of any given patient - Similia Similibus Curentur If more than one remedy is used the homeopath will never know which element was curative and our source of future guidance is obscured

23 Hey – It’s Good Enough for… Henry David Thoreau Harriett Beecher Stowe Charles Darwin William Osler (“father of modern medicine”) C. Everett Koop, M.D. David Beckham Arnie Kander (Strength & Conditioning Coach, NBA Detroit Pistons) Catherine Zeta- Jones & Jennifer Aniston Paul McCartney U.S. Presidents: Lincoln, Tyler, Hayes, Garfield, Arthur, Harrison, McKinley, Harding, Coolidge, Hoover, & Clinton

24 The Role of Homeopathy in Mental Health Mental Health disorders account for about ½ the total of disease among adolescents & young adults ( Findings, University of Michigan School of Public Health, Volume 29, Number 2, p. 21) 68% of PCP’s report the availability of mental health services is inadequate for children (Ibid, p. 27)

25 The Role of Homeopathy in Mental Health Past use of allopathic medication might include one stimulant (Ritalin, Adderall, etc. Current use may include 2-3 meds; stimulants plus antipsychotic, antidepressant, etc. Multiple side-effects from allopathic med use (weight loss/gain, thyroid inhibition, diabetes, tardive dyskinesia, etc.)

26 The Role of Homeopathy in Mental Health Common Labels include: ODD, OCD, SID, BPD, RAD, AD, DD, TS, LD, CD, PTSD, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. Homeopathy treats individuals, not diagnoses; the whole person, not the parts Proper homeopathic Rx is based on the symptoms expressed – and the uniqueness of that individual

27 The Role of Homeopathy in Mental Health “Homeopathy, one of the most commonly used CAM therapies, has focused on the mental health of its patients for more than 200 years…Scientific research is continuously adding vital data which indicates that homeopathy is effective in large number of diseases, including mental disorders like anxiety, depression, ADHD, autism, stress, insomnia, etc. Research has also shown that there is a greater patient satisfaction during homeopathic care, that homeopathic medicines are safe, and that they reduce overall cost of treatment.” Dr. Manish Bhatia. Homeopathy and Mental Health Care, 2010.

28 Homeopathy’s Use in ADD/ADHD Recent studies showing statistically significant benefit using homeopathy in children with ADHD & ADD: European Journal of Pediatrics ISSN: 0340- 6199 (Paper) 1432-1076 (Online) 27 July 2005 Study used individualized homeopathic treatment in a randomized, double blind, placebo controlled crossover study. 'The trial suggests scientific evidence of the effectiveness of homeopathy in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, particularly in the areas of behavioral and cognitive functions.'

29 Homeopathy’s Use in ADD/ADHD, cont. British Homeopath Journal. 2001 Oct;90(4):178-9. Frei, H. & Thurnevsen, A. “…a prospective trial to assess the efficacy of homeopathy in hyperactive patients and to compare it methylphenidate (MPD) in children 3-17 y/o. The reported results of homeopathic treatment appear to be similar to the effects of MPD… In preschoolers, homeopathy appears a particularly useful treatment for ADHD.

30 Homeopathy’s Use in Autism Indian Journal of Research in Homeopathy. Vol. 4, No. 4, October- December 2010. Neeraj Gupta, R. K. Saxena, A. K. Malhotra1, Ritu Juneja A study done with 25 autistic children using homeopathic individualized treatment. Conclusion: Significant positive & curative response…suggesting that homeopathic medicines can provide cure for abnormal behavioral problems in ASD children

31 Homeopathy’s Use in Depression & Anxiety Altern Ther Health Med. 1997 Sep;3(4):15-6. Davidson JR, Morrison RM, Shore J, Davidson RT, Bedayn G. Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Duke Unversity Medical Center, Durham, NC, USA. OBJECTIVE: To report the use of homeopathic treatment in patients with depression and anxiety. METHODS: Individually selected homeopathic remedies were used on an outpatient basis to treat 12 adults who had major depression, social phobia, or panic disorder. CONCLUSIONS: Homeopathy may be useful in the treatment of affective and anxiety disorders in patients with mildly to severely symptomatic conditions.

32 Homeopathic Care Comprehensive assessment by a qualified homeopath (usually 2 hr visit) “Each child has a state. That state is the mental-emotional-physical stance that he has adopted that determines how he interacts with the rest of the world.” Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman, Ritalin-Free Kids, 2 nd ed., 2000, pg. 96 A homeopathic remedy also corresponds to a “state” ie: constitution

33 Homeopathic Care Medicines are administered by pellet, liquid or inhalation Remedy selection is always derived from a complete assessment that includes symptoms (rubrics) from physical, mental/emotional, spiritual When the correct remedy used – dramatic and subtle shifts take place Gentle/Slow vs. fast/aggravated

34 Clinical Pictures Calcarea phosphorica: diff. to sustain mental effort, poor memory, anemic, digestive issues, generally frustrated & dissatisfied – “the grass is always greener” kind of kids, “school h/a’s & stomach aches, short stature/slow growth Cina: irritable, don’t know wants & reject what they are given, pinch, kick, hit out of irritability, pick or bore into they nose & ears, hs teeth grinders Arsenicum album: tremendous restlessness, anxiety, fear/fright, hyperactive child – not aggressive, fear of germs & for their health Please note: these remedy descriptions are not comprehensive; for example only

35 Clinical Pictures, cont. Stramonium : ceaseless talking, loquacious, laughing, singing, swearing, praying, rhyming, rhythmic motions, expression of terror/fear, violence Scorpion: lack of conscience & compassion for suffering of others, extremely violent, detached, loaners, self-centered, indifferent to pleasure or pain Silica: increased susceptibility to stimuli, faint- hearted, anxious, sensitive to all impressions, obstinate, headstrong, abstracted, fixed ideas Please note: these remedy descriptions are not comprehensive; for example only

36 Clinical Pictures, cont. China : timid, passive, imaginative, dreamy, feel weak within, but fantasize being a superhero, weakness from blood loss or horrible things Mancinella: averse to answering questions, moody, fear of going crazy, compulsions Belladonna: very intense, fevers spike, hypersensitivity, manic, violent, rage, but also insecure & scared Please note: these remedy descriptions are not comprehensive; for example only

37 Hahnemann would say… Eat Healthy Fats Milk from Plants, not Cows No Soy (unless fermented) Eat Colorfully Safe Sweets (stevia, xylitol, limited honey & molasses) Organic, Local, Whole, Fresh Try for less Carbs, especially refined

38 Hahnemann would say… Deep Green Leafy’s and other brightly colored fruits and veggies Water, Water, Water & Clean (remove microbes, heavy metals, pharmaceuticals) Image courtesy of Just2shutter at Image courtesy of Suat Eman at

39 Hahnemann would say… No Microwave Select Few Supplements - whole food based Essentials include: –Essential Fatty Acids (EFA’s) –Vit D –Multi –Mg –Probiotics/Prebiotics

40 Supportive Supplements Probiotics The human body is made up of an estimated 100 trillion bacterial cells from at least 500 species, not including viruses and fungi. These bacteria’s are referred to as "friendly" bacteria and are responsible for several important biological functions. Some of these functions include assisting with digestion, keeping other harmful bacteria at bay and stimulating the immune system. Fermented Foods A healthy gut microbiome may help Social Anxiety Disorder: A study recently published in Psychiatry Research, found that fermented foods and drinks helped curb social anxiety disorder in young adults Bullets pulled from Joseph Mercola, MD:

41 Hahnemann would also say… Breathe deeply and from diaphragm Daily Movement/Exercise Get Outside - barefoot if possible Sleep (adults 7 hr min, kids more! And earlier in evening vs. later) BM’s 2X/day Avoid EMF’s

42 Hahnemann would also say… Natural vs. synthetic Alkaline vs. Acid Balance Eliminate Air Fresheners & Plug In’s Free & clear Soaps, Cleaners and Detergents Simple vs. overscheduled Be of Service

43 Additional References Everybody’s Guide to Homeopathic Medicines, Steven Cummings, MD & Dana Ullman, MPH Your Natural Medicine Cabinet, Burke Lennihan, RN, CCH Ritalin Free Kids, Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman, ND, MSW and Robert Ullman, ND Rage Free Kids, Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman, ND, MSW and Robert Ullman, ND Homeopathy and Mental Health Care, Editors: Christopher Johannes, PhD & Harry van der Zee, MD Mayo Clinic Guide to Stress-Free Living, Amit Sood, MD, M.Sc.

44 More Research Homeopathic Educational Services: National Center for Homeopathy: Homeopathy Research Institute:

45 Resources Homeopathic Books: Remedies Available from: Whole Foods, Vitamin Shoppe, local health food store or Natural Health Supply Books and Remedies: Homeopathic Educational Services: National Center for Homeopathy:

46 Find A Homeopath National Center for Homeopathy: Homeopathic Nurses Association: Council for Homeopathic Certification: North American Society of Homeopaths:

47 Questions? Comments? Kathleen Slonager, RN, AE-C, DiHOM, ADS, CCH, RSHom(NA) Transformational Health, PC 16205 W. 14 Mile, #202 Beverly Hills, MI 48025 #248.613.9662  Facebook: Kathleen Slonager Twitter: @homeopath_kat

48 “The highest ideal of cure is rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of the health, or removal and annihilation of the disease in its whole extent, in the shortest, most reliable, and most harmless way, on easily comprehensible principles.” Samuel Hahnemann

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