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Presentation on theme: "1 RESEARCH HELPS TO PREVENTS, TREATS AND CURE DISEASES  CANCER."— Presentation transcript:


2 Brief History of Medicine Eastern and Western

3 Shennong Shennong is venerated as the father of Chinese medicine. He is also believed to have introduced the technique of acupuncture and it is attributed to him that to have refined the therapeutic understanding of taking pulse measurements, acupuncture, and moxibustion. On his work, it is listed various medicinal herbs, such as Ling zhi mushroom, (Ganoderma lucidum or Reishi mushroom), that were discovered by Shennong and given grade and rarity ratings. anti-tumor, anti-cancer, immuno-modulatory and immuno-therapeutic ₁ Ling zhi possesses anti-tumor, anti-cancer, immuno-modulatory and immuno-therapeutic ₁ qualities, supported by studies on polysaccharides, terpenes, and other bioactive compounds isolated from fruiting bodies and mycelia of this fungus (reviewed by R. R. Paterson and Lindequist et al). It has also been found to inhibit platelet aggregation, and to lower blood pressure (via inhibition of angiotensin-converting enzyme, cholesterol, and blood sugar). Eastern Traditional Chinese Medicine Referred as the "God of Chinese herbal medicine," Shennong is believed to have classified 365 species of herbs or medicinal plants, later the basis of herbologica studies. Tea is said to be one of his discoveries and may have been of great benefit to Shennong during his research into herbal medicines as tea is meant to be an antidote for over 70 different poisonous herbs. Ganoderma lucidum ("Lingzhi"), a Chinese medicinal mushroom: biomarker responses in a controlled human supplementation study. PMDI:14756912 [PubMed – Indexed for MEDLINE] Wachtel-Galor S 1, Tomlinson B, Benzie IF. 1 Ageing & Health Group, School of Nursing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR, China.

4 Hippocrates of Cos Greek c. 460 – c. 370 BC), was an ancient Greek physician of the age of Pericles (Classical Greece), and is considered one of the most outstanding figures in the history of medicine. He is referred to as the father of western medicine in recognition of his lasting contributions to the field as the founder of the Hippocratic School of Medicine. This intellectual school revolutionized medicine in ancient Greece, establishing it as a discipline distinct from other fields that it had traditionally been associated with (notably theurgist and philosophy), thus establishing medicine as a profession. Western Contemporary Medicine

5 Aelius Galenus or Claudius Galenus AD 129 – c. 200/c. 216), better known as Galen of Pergamon was a prominent Greek- speaking Roman physician, surgeon and philosopher. Arguably the most accomplished of all medical researchers of antiquity, Galen influenced the development of various scientific disciplines, including anatomy, physiology, pathology, pharmacology, and neurology, as well as philosophy and logic. Profile of Psychologist

6 Paracelsus; Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim, 11 November or 17 December 1493 – 24 September 1541) was a Swiss German Renaissance physician, botanist, alchemist, astrologer, and general occultist. He founded the discipline of toxicology. He is also known as a revolutionary for insisting upon using observations of nature, rather than looking to ancient texts, in open and radical defiance of medical practice of his day. He is also credited for giving zinc its name, calling it zincum. Modern psychology often also credits him for being the first to note that some diseases are rooted in psychological illness (Stress, Depression, Anxiety) In his works, Paracelsus (1940-1541) emphasizes that the man is a microcosm in the macrocosm of the universe, depending on all the laws working therein. Both men and nature have a frequent and reciprocal influence upon one another which reaches into the smallest particles through water, earth, sun, season, movement of stars, food, soil. Above all we most realize that there is nothing in heaven or on heart that does not also exist in the man himself.

7 The Medicine at works If we reunite all kind of physician, practitioner, scientific, all their research results and knowledge from both hemispheres we may have as a result the Complementary and Alternative Medicine inducing an integrative practice which may be best to doing joint efforts to improve health care in both Eastern and Western hemispheres. Traditional Chinese medicine Ayurveda medicineHomeopathic medicineNaturopathic medicine AcupunctureHerbal medicineChiropractic MedicineEnergy Therapies Massage therapyAroma TherapiesTherapeutic TouchMagnetic Field Therapy ReikiYogaQi GongTai Chi Nutrition TherapySodium BicarbonateIV Minerals and Vitamins infusion How the government is working about that Based on the NCCIH (National Center for Integrative Health) there is a list of Complementary and alternative therapies which are currently helping millions of patients with several diseases including on that cancer:

8 Categorization of each Complementary & Alternative Medicine Biologically Based Practices dietary supplements Herbs, dietary supplements Energy Medicine Qi gong, tai chi, Reiki Manipulative and Body-Based Practices Acupuncture, Asian body works Mind-Body Medicine sound, prayers Meditation, sound, prayers Whole Medical Systems Traditional Chinese

9 What is Complementary & Alternative? Biologically Based Practices Herbs, dietary Energy Medicine therapeutic touch Manipulative and Body-Based Practices Massage, Yoga Mind-Body Medicine Meditation, prayer, art & music Whole Medical Systems Ayurveda

10 What is Complementary & Alternative? Biologically Based Practices Vitamins, dietary supplements and Specific dietary strategies (ketogenic diet, macrobiotic diet) Energy Medicine Biofield therapies and bioelectromagnetic-based therapies such as magnetic fields Manipulative and Body-Based Practices Chiropractic, osteopathic, massage Mind-Body Medicine Counseling and support groups Whole Medical Systems homeopathy and naturopathic medicine homeopathy and naturopathic medicine Rx nutrition Exercise, Stress Management, Sleep

11 Mechanism, pathology, physiology, cancer, TreatmentALTERNATIVES TreatmentALTERNATIVES

12 Science base research In recent research laboratory based in Korea it was proved the relationship between acupuncture and the existence of the 3 rd system called the PVS (primo vascular system ₁ ) TCM including acupuncture was tested in human for more than 2500 years, and will continue to be used and tested in humans. That still happens either in China and all the Eastern Countries. The practice of Integrative, Complementary and Alternative Medicine, which includes Traditional Chinese Medicine with acupuncture, herbs, diet, qi gong, tai chi, exercise and meditation, and based on additional training, specialization will provide support for health improvement and quality of Life for patients seeing healthcare. The remarks is that the TCM health care system does HAD MINIMAL OR NOT SIDE EFFECTS The majority of diseases appears and are dependable of: What you eat, what you think and what you do ₁ Nano Primo Research Center [NPRC, Seoul National University. Journal name: Protocol Exchange Year published: (2013) DOI: doi:10.1038/protex.2013.083 published online 19 November 2013 Visualization of the Primo Vascular System,a Putative Cancer Metastasis Thread Afloat in a Lymph Duct: Sharon Jiyoon Jung, Seung-Hwan Lee, Kyoung-Hee Bae, Hee-Min Kwon, Yoon-Kyu Song & Kwang-Sup Soh. Formative Research on the Primo Vascular. System and Acceptance by the Korean. Scientific Community: The Gap Between. Creative Basic Science and Practical. Convergence Technology. Hoon Gi Kim*


14 How the PVS works with Acupuncture

15 PRIMO VASCULAR SYSTEM Acupuncture conception vessels orRENMeridian

16 … medical and health care practices outside the realm of conventional medicine, which are yet to be validated using scientific methods… What can be offered by a TCM practitioners ? Complementary: together with conventional practices Alternative: in place of conventional practicesAnd Integrative: Use both Western and Eastern Medicine Based on the NCCIH (National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health) Which is the Federal Government's lead agency for scientific research on CAM.

17 Where the Traditional Chinese Medicine is positioned in USA It is included under the NIH (National Institute of Health) as NCCIH (National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health) TCM exist for more than 2500 years and it is a whole health care medical system Traditional Chinese medicine Whole health care System Per NCCIH the traditional healers as Ayurvedic medicine, Traditional Chinese medicine, homeopathy, and naturopathy, are considered a Whole health care System

18 Acupuncture The term “acupuncture” describes a family of procedures involving the stimulation of points on the body using a variety of techniques. The acupuncture technique that has been most often studied scientifically involves penetrating the skin with thin, solid, metallic needles that are manipulated by the hands or by electrical stimulation. Practiced in China and other Asian countries for thousands of years, acupuncture is one of the key components of traditional Chinese medicine. Although millions of Americans use acupuncture each year, often for chronic pain, there has been considerable controversy surrounding its value as a therapy and whether it is anything more than placebo. Research exploring a number of possible mechanisms for acupuncture’s pain-relieving effects is ongoing. Underlying Concepts When thinking about ancient medical systems such as TCM, it is important to separate questions about traditional theories and concepts of health and wellness from questions about whether specific interventions might be helpful in the context of modern science-based medicine and health promotion practices. The ancient beliefs on which TCM is based include the following: The human body is a miniature version of the larger, surrounding universe. Harmony between two opposing yet complementary forces, called yin and yang, supports health, and disease results from an imbalance between these forces. Five elements—fire, earth, wood, metal, and water—symbolically represent all phenomena, including the stages of human life, and explain the functioning of the body and how it changes during disease. Qi, a vital energy that flows through the body, performs multiple functions in maintaining health. Concepts such as these are of interest in understanding the history of TCM. However, NCCIH-supported research on TCM does not focus on these ideas. Instead, it examines specific TCM practices from a scientific perspective, looking at their effects in the body and whether the practices are helpful in symptom management.

19 Offices and Hospitals Eastern physicians Can, Western cannot Western physicians Can, Eastern cannot General services Oriental Medicine using herbs, Acupuncture, diet, qi gong, meditation Pharmaceutical Drugs, Chemotherapy, Radiation, Hormone and biologic response modifiers Diagnostic methods Diagnosis using ancient and already tested in humans. Personalized review of tongue and pulse to identify pathologic patterns identifying the root of the health issue Diagnostics based on blood and human fluids analysis to identify biochemistry levels, and imaging such as: X rays, U/sound, CT’s, MRI’s, PET’s scan. Treatments methods Treatment using Oriental medicine, acupuncture, herbs, diet, exercise and meditation tailored for patient, non or very low side effects. Full treatment length help to clear the root or cause of the health issue. Treatment using drugs, chemotherapy, radiation and pharmaceutical drugs causes a number of side effects. The success is agonizingly slow. Relapse in some cases is really worse. H OW THE M EDICAL PRACTICE IS DELIVERED

20 How big is the market for Complementary, and Alternative Medicine which includes the Traditional Chinese Medicine

21 This is the size of the spending off Americans and their acceptance for CAM – Complementary Alternative Medicine The total amount of this spending is $33.9 billion 33.9 Billion

22 Why patients are looking for alternatives for their diseases?

23 We do use herbs, But NOT YET this one We do not prescribe pharmaceutical Drugs We do not use this test, we use pulse and tongue for pattern identification We do not use this test As alternative use we do not recommend these: AND… we do not perform surgery or use anesthesia

24 NON NECESSARILLY TRUE The main reason is that COMPLEMENTARY AND ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE (CAM) in United States grown consistently and has available number of research and information to advise patients who are looking for treatment beside the Western Medicine. “Integrative Medicine Combines Mainstream Medical Therapies and CAM Therapies for Which There is Some High-Quality Scientific Evidence of Safety and Effectiveness.” NCCIH “Healing-oriented medicine that takes account of the whole person (body, mind, and spirit), including all aspects of lifestyle. It emphasizes the therapeutic relationship and makes use of all appropriate therapies, both conventional and alternative.” NCCIH Definitions

25 There are information available developed for patients and practitioners. We need to lookup


27 Health Diseases CANCER The health care system had their hands full working together with laboratories and pharmaceutical organizations doing huge and amazing research working together to fight and control cancer. After dx and tx these are the steps for continuance:  Discharge  Referral  Hospice And or  treatment continuance (2 nd, 3 rd course of treatment) Some patients decides not to go for continuance using chemo- rad-drugs-hormone, and start looking for alternatives, unfortunately there are not or are poor developed networks related with alternative post cancer treatment

28 TPPC (T REAT P ATIENTS P OST C ANCER ) P OST C ANCER T REATMENT P ROTOCOLS Cancer is the 2 nd leading cause of deaths in USA that is after Heart Attacks. survivorship surveillance programCurrently the post cancer treatment and follow up for cancer patients is monitored by the survivorship surveillance program, and it has using 5 years window of time for survivorship, health care for those patients exist but the success is still poor. survivorship program one of them is the case of FL State through the Department of Health Division of Community Health PromotionSeveral Health organizations had as a Goal the survivorship program one of them is the case of FL State through the Department of Health Division of Community Health Promotion Bureau of Chronic Disease Prevention has the Comprehensive Cancer Control Program and one of their 4 goals is: # IV SURVIVORSHIP inclusion of post cancer treatment protocols using Complementary, Alternative and Integrative Medicine.The National Institute of Health (NIH) via the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) is promoting the inclusion of post cancer treatment protocols using Complementary, Alternative and Integrative Medicine. Are there support available as complementary, alternative and integrative medicine? How is Cancer surveillance doing? If so, it could be called If so, it could be called:

29 C OMMON C ANCERS - 2011 Lung Prostate Breast Colorectal Pancreas Bladder Kidney 221,000 241,000 232,000 142,000 44,000 69,000 61,000 (71%) 157,000 (71%) 34,000 (14%) 40,000 (17% - 1% males) 49,000 (34.5%) (86%) 38,000 (86%) 15,000 (21.7%) 13,000 (21%) These statistics are the reasons and support to identify a workable post cancer treatment survivorship program Sites New cases Deaths

30 There are many causes and based on the TCM point of view it depends on WHAT? You eat, you think and you do And or other identified causes as: Attributed causes of cancer Programmed cell death and apoptosis: origins of the theory Apoptosis: is the process of programmed cell death that may occur in multicellular organisms. Biochemical events lead to characteristic cell changes (morphology) and death. These changes include blebbing, cell shrinkage, nuclear fragmentation, chromatin condensation, chromosomal DNA fragmentation, and global mRNA decay. Colon cancer behave and progres s

31 This is how the cancer grows Cancer cells are constantly dividing (mitosis) in cancer cells there is no apoptosis (programed death of cells) Cancer cells develop angiogenesis which is the formation of blood vessels feeding the tumor and contributing to tumor. That is one of the reason why the patient lose weight  Tumor  Blood vessel can be the way for metastatic disease  Lymph vessel can be the way for metastatic disease  Angiogenesis (new vessel which is the way for tumor feeding)

32 pH levels below to neutral (Acidic stage) If out side cells the environment had the pH levels below to neutral (Acidic stage) The cancer cells inside has a high pH (alkaline). low cold temperature and inflammation There will be also a low cold temperature and inflammation (which could be chronic)

33 Cancer has the highest mortality rate and ranks in the top five causes of death in the United States. Treatment Options currently available There are basically three forms of cancer treatment The primary one is surgery at which time the cancer is removed from as many other sites as is possible. Chemotherapy is the second important modality. This form of treatment uses drugs to kill the cancer cells. The other modality is radiation treatment, which is used in only certain instances. It utilizes high energy x-rays to kill cancer cells. The treatment of cancer depends on the stage of the disease, the histologic cell type, and the patient's age and overall condition. The histologic cell type and the extent of disease based on the biopsies performed by the oncologist during surgery (staging) are determined by the pathologist who analyzes tissues with a microscope.

34 The most common Post-Treatment Symptoms Anemia Chemo/Rad Induced Leukemia immune system function low and or depleted Cardiac toxicity Constipation Depression Diarrhea Esophageal reflux Fatigue Hair loss Infection Insomnia Joint pains Liver toxicity / elevated enzymes Mental fogginess Nail changes Peripheral neuropathy Sexual impairment Skin rash Taste changes Vision changes Hot flashes


36 These are the recognized and accepted facts by CDC/NCCIH TCM reduce the side-effects & increase the effectiveness of Radiotherapy & Chemotherapy Enhance the overall results of the treatment & prevent local constriction & recurrence. Reduce toxic reactions & adverse side-effects. Improve hematopoiesis, protect renal & hepatic functioning. Reduce gastro-intestinal side-effects. Alleviate radiation pneumonitis, proctitis & cystitis. Reduce vomiting. Increase immune function & raise long-term survival rates.

37 T HE TCM A DVANTAGES The TCM has high levels of safety. The TCM is a whole and fully developed health care system with more than 2000 years of practice, with all the features such as: acupuncture, herbs, qi gong, tui na, meditation, diet, and cupping. All are already tested in humans with more than 2000 years of success. The treatment is generally safe, is personalized and tailored per patient. There are new and very old protocol treatments using TCM. The treatment cost is comparatively and generally affordable. DOH - Department of Health TCM - Traditional Chinese Medicine NCCIH – National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health


39 General Concepts TCM Cancer Etiology Influence of both external and internal factors. Causes disharmony at certain points or areas, precipitating pathological and physiological changes, manifesting as tumor or extreme dysfunction. Causes weakening of qi and blood, zang-fu imbalance, emotional changes, weakens bodily resistance. Cancer is essential a qi deficiency. Emotional stress weakens associated zang fu (hollow/solid) organs. Prolonged emotional stress can lay the foundation for cancer. All of those factor affects qi, blood, organs, and channels Rage > liver Over excitement > heart Grief and sorrow > lungs Fear > kidney Obsession > spleen

40 Damage to zang fu (hollow/solid) organs. Usually imbalance of spleen or kidney is involved in cancer. This affects: nervous system, psychology, endocrine function, blood quality. Those are the origin of qi deficiency. Disharmony of qi (energy) and blood. This occurs when one is defective, and it affects the other. Stagnation of qi > stagnation of blood. Prolonged stagnation creates tumor. Deficiency of qi > deficiency of blood.Deficiency of qi > deficiency of blood. This leads to weakened immune system General Concepts

41 Pathogens Cancer is caused by basic internal causes and pathogenic factors Basic Internal Cause:  Qi/Blood/Yin/Yang deficiency Pathogenic factors:  Blood Stasis, phlegm, toxic substance  Seasonal pathogens, the “six pathogenic qi”: Wind, cold, summer heat, dampness, dryness, fire Inappropriate diet.  Food too hot, too cold or roasted; or excessive alcohol. Causes esophagus and stomach cancer.  Dairy and greasy or fatty foods. Causes colon, ovary, breast cancer.  Salted, pickled, or smoked fish. Causes stomach cancer.  Irregular meals, overeating, eating too fast, eating while squatting. Injures stomach and spleen. Affects digestion, absorption, and distribution. This affects qi and blood in the channels, and leads to stagnation. General pathological characteristics of cancer patients

42 Combine differentiation of syndrome with differentiation of disease Know western classification: site of lesion, stage of illness, degree of cellular differentiation. Observe TCM differentiation, especially during course of illness by symptom, pulse and tongue. The Main differentiations (when taking western therapy) are:  Disharmony of liver and stomach  Deficiency of yang with cold in stomach or spleen  Stagnation of phlegm-damp  Deficiency of qi and blood Differentiate yin and yang (contrast-contractual) deficiency and excess  Yang = heat, excess, surface  Yin = Cold, deficiency, interior Principles of Treatment

43 Differentiate part and whole Treat local area, but always pay attention to whole body. Attack local cancer, but always treat whole body: qi and blood, yin and yang, organs and channels. Differentiate root and branch  Root means root cause of the disease. For example, the lung tumor is the root, the branch is coughing, wheezing, thirst, fever.  Treat root consistently, treat branch only when symptoms are severe or acute.  Avoid western intervention until body is strong, especially yin and yang imbalance.  Use TCM to counter or support western therapy, especially to build quality and strength of qi and blood. Support qi (energy), strengthen body resistance. This is most important principle.  Activate blood, relieve blood stasis. This same principle is applied to: Coronary heart disease Liver cirrhosis chronic nephritis Gynecological disease Traumatic injury  In TCM, all cancer involves blood stasis There is a marked accumulation of fibrinogen and platelets around tumors Think of it as “hyper-coagulation”, Common to have purple tongue, poor nail color response Microcirculation is diminished.

44 T REATMENTS Herbs  Blood activating herbs reduce the coagulation and inflammatory reactions associated with immune response.  Toxin-clearing herbs clear the blood of germs and of waste products from the destruction of tumors and germs.  Tonic herbs increase the number and activity of immunologically active cells and proteins.  Herbal therapy in cancer treatment can improve appetite, reduce nausea and vomiting, and alleviate stress.  Huang Qi   Xi Yang Shen   Shu Di Huang   Gan Cao   Dang Gui   Bie Jia   Nu zhen zi   Ren shen   Dang shen   Bai zhu   Ling zhi   Lu feng fang   Long Kui   Ban Zhi Lian   Dong Lin Cao   Bai Hua She She Cao   Pu Gong Ying   Bai mao gen   Huang Qin  Astragalus American Ginseng Chinese Foxglove Root Chinese Licorice Root Angelica Sinensis Turtle shell ligustrum ginseng, codonopsis, atractylodes, Ganoderma Hornet nest Solanum Scutellaria Rabdosime Rubescentis Oldenlandia Taraxacum Imperata Scutellaria Herb used for cancer treatment

45 Other than Chinese herbs currently under study with a great success doing cancer treatment 1.ANONONA MURICATA, 刺果番荔枝 SOURSOP, GABRIOLA, GUANABANA Antineoplastic Potential of the n-butanolic Leaf Extract of Annona Muricata  Quantitative Assessment of the Relative Antineoplastic Potential of the n-butanolic Leaf Extract of Annona Muricata Linn. In Normal and Immortalized Human Cell Lines. Authors: V. Cijo George1, DR Naveen Kumar1, V. Rajkumar1, PK Suresh1, R Ashok Kumar2* synthesis, anti-proliferative properties and structure activity relationships  Heteroannelated (þ)-muricatacin mimics: synthesis, anti-proliferative properties and structure activity relationships. Authors Bojana Sre_co a, Goran Benedekovi_c a, Mirjana Popsavin a, Pavle Had_zi_c b, Vesna Koji_c c, Gordana Bogdanovi_c c, Vladimir Divjakovi_c d, Velimir Popsavin a,* a Department of chemistry, Biochemistry and Environmental Protection, Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Trg Dositeja Obradovi_ca 3, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia b Go_sa Institute, Milana Raki_ca 35, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia Oncology Institute of Vojvodina, Institutski put 4, 21204 Sremska Kamenica, Serbia d Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Trg Dositeja Obradovi_ca 4, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia Linn Leaf Induce Apoptosis in Cancer  Annonaa muricata Linn Leaf Induce Apoptosis in Cancer Cause Virus Authors Okid Parama Astirin1, Anief Nur Artanti1, Meutia Srikandi Fitria1, Eva Agustina Perwitasari1, Adi Prayitno2* 1Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, University of Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia; 2Depart- ment of Dental and Oral Disease, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia.

46 induces cell cycle-dependent growth arrest and apoptosis  Annonacin induces cell cycle-dependent growth arrest and apoptosis in estrogen receptor--related pathways in MCF-7 cells Authors Yu-Min Koa, Tung-Ying Wub, Yang-Chang Wub, Fang-Rong Changb, Jinn-Yuh Guhc,d, ∗, Lea-Yea Chuange, ∗ a Graduate Institute of Medicine, College of Medicine, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, ROC b Graduate Institute of Natural Products, College of Pharmacy, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, ROC c Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, College of Medicine, Kaohsiung Medical University. Other than Chinese herbs currently under study with a great success doing cancer treatment Conclusions: Annonacin induced growth arrest and apoptosis in ER_-related pathways in MCF-7 cells. Annonacin and 4-hydroxytamoxifen were additive in inhibiting cell survival and ER_ transcriptional activity. Moreover, annonacin attenuated MCF-7 xenograft tumor growth while inhibiting ER_, cyclin D1 and Bcl-2 protein expressions in nude mice. © 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

47  Artemisinin used for cancer treatment  (Nobel prize was received by Dr. Youyou Tu the scientist who discover it for malaria) It is undergoing early research and testing for the treatment of cancer, primarily by researchers at the University of Washington. Chinese scientists have shown artemisinin has significant anticancer effects against human hepatoma cells. peroxide comes into contact with high iron concentrations (common in cancerous cells), the molecule becomes unstable and releases reactive oxygen species. Artemisinin has a peroxide lactone group in its structure, and it is thought that when the peroxide comes into contact with high iron concentrations (common in cancerous cells), the molecule becomes unstable and releases reactive oxygen species. It has been shown to reduce angiogenesis and the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor in some tissue cultures. Recent pharmacological evidence demonstrates the artemisinin ‐ derivative dihydroartemisinin targets human metastatic melanoma cells with induction of NOXA (phorbol ‐ 12 ‐ myristate ‐ 13 ‐ acetate ‐ induced protein 1) ‐ dependent mitochondrial apoptosis that occurs downstream of iron ‐ dependent generation of cytotoxic oxidative stress.


49 Supplement Qi (Vital Energy) & nourish Blood. Fortify the Spleen & harmonize the Stomach. Enrich & supplement the Liver & Kidneys. Relieve toxicity & transform Phlegm. Clear heat & resolve toxicity. Tonification (Deficiency) Reductions (Excess) Expelling (Invasion) Moving (Stasis) Breaking (Stagnation) Goals for the treatments Complements for the systemic treatment

50 These are linked with your health What do you eat: 1.Too much 2.Too low Fat, spicy, canned food, red beef, chemically preserved food, fluids, Carbohydrates, proteins. do What do you do and think: 1.Too much 2.Too low Smoke, alcohol, drugs Sleep, exercise, sex, stress.

51 In addition to the pre-established medical physical exam, vital signs, weight, and height it is used the pulse and tongue to identify patterns both are related with internal organs of the body such as: heart, spleen, Lung, Kidney, Liver, Pericardium, Stomach, Urinary Bladder, Gall Bladder, large Intestine, Small Intestine, and the triple warmer (upper, middle lower). How to Diagnose

52 W HAT IS USED The pulse is verified using three fingers 9 positions and three levels. (superficial, middle and deep) from both side arms. To identify deficiency, normal, excess patterns in the major organs checked which are Heart, Lung, Liver, Spleen and Kidney The tongue is read to identify external pathogenic factors and or invasion such dampness, wind, cold, heat. The organs checked are: Heart, Lung, Liver, Gall bladder, Spleen, Stomach, Kidney, Urinary Bladder, Large and Small Intestines.

53 We have to work very close with the patients in order to achieve the patient’s metabolic balance Final Goals for the treatments

54 Thank you! With research and support we will continue looking for the best of both Eastern and Western Medicine


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