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Rhyme Patterns Structure Poetic Speech Give it a try! 100 200 300 400.

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Presentation on theme: "Rhyme Patterns Structure Poetic Speech Give it a try! 100 200 300 400."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rhyme Patterns Structure Poetic Speech Give it a try! 100 200 300 400

2 What is the difference between a couplet and a triplet?

3 A couplet is a two- lined rhymed poem. A triplet is a three-lined rhymed poem.

4 What is the rhyme pattern of a Limerick?

5 A a b b a A flea and a fly in a flue a Were caught, so what could they do? a Said the fly, “Let us flee.” b “Let us fly.” said the flea. b So they flew through a flaw in the flue a

6 Think of a word to rhyme with each of the following: Lawyer Holly Television Pillow Radio Laundry Novel

7 Words that Rhyme with: Lawyer: Destroyer Holly: Jolly Television: Superstition Pillow: Willow Radio: Audio Laundry: Quandary Novel: Grovel

8 Write a Poem with this Rhyme Pattern: a/b/b/a/c/d/d/c/g/g

9 Please find me a lawyer Who is kind And does not mind Being a destroyer Of my junky car That broke down In the middle of town I had driven so far Someone with a law degree Make this car history!

10 What kind of poem is structured like a song?

11 Lyric Poems

12 What is an Iamb?

13 An Iamb is a metrical foot of two syllables, one short (unstressed) and one long (stressed). “Come live /with me /and be /my love ”

14 How many lines are in a Sonnet?

15 There are 14 Lines in a sonnet. Shakespeare is famous for his Sonnets “Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May…”

16 What is Iambic Pentameter? Give an example.

17 A type of meter in poetry, in which there are five iambs to a line. Here’s an example from Shakespeare’s, Romeo and Juliet “But soft !/What light /through yon /der win /dow breaks ?”

18 What is a figure of speech in which deliberate exaggeration is used for emphasis?

19 Hyperbole! Ex: That cookie is bigger than an elephant!

20 Boom! Crack! Bam! Pow!!

21 Onomatopoeia.

22 “Dead leaves dance in the wind…” Is an example of what figure of speech?

23 Personification

24 “The World’s a Stage” is an example of….?

25 Metaphor


27 Poetry Opens Every Tricky Rhyme You can think of! *press space bar to see poem

28 Haiku (Build a Haiku using these words, remember to count the syllables!) Cupcakes Ice cream Favorite

29 Haiku Cupcakes with frosting Ice cream with chocolate syrup My favorite things.

30 Limerick Unscramble this Limerick: She ate ‘till she dropped There once was a dog named Molly Then she realized all her Folly And did belly flops Who enjoyed eating Christmas Holly

31 Limerick There once was a dog named Molly Who enjoyed eating Christmas holly She ate ‘till she dropped And did belly flops Then realized all of her folly

32 Diamante Build your own Diamante using these words for the first and last lines : Carnival Vs. A Boring night at home

33 Diamante Carnivals Noisy, Colorful Ride-riding, eating, game winning Fun, Exciting, Boring, Lame Sitting, waiting, thumb twiddling Quiet, Bland A boring night at home

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