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Parties, Interest Groups and Media Review Quiz Bowl.

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1 Parties, Interest Groups and Media Review Quiz Bowl

2 Questions 1-5 1.At the national level what is the highest authority for a major political party? 2.What is the most common method a party has for nominating a candidate? 3.Which party dominated American politics from 1860 to 1928? 4.Which Democrat built a coalition that managed to include labor, city residents, Catholics, Jews, the poor, Southerners, African-Americans and farmers? 5.Which candidate embarked on a “Southern strategy” to turn the South into a bastion of Republicanism?

3 Questions 1-5 1.National Convention 2.Primary 3.Republican 4.FDR 5.Nixon

4 Questions 6-10 6.Republican control of the House and Democratic control of the Senate and White House is an example of what idea that has been common in the past few decades? 7.Which group pushed through the direct election of Senators? 8.Name an obstacle faced by third parties. 9.Republicans, Democrats or Independents. Which has seen greater growth? 10.Are campaigns party-driven or candidate-driven?

5 Questions 6-10 6.Divided Government 7.Progressives 8.Electoral College, Winner-take-all elections, gerrymandered districts, money, etc. 9.Independents 10.Candidate-driven

6 Questions 11-15 11.Which party uses a quota system to determine attendees at its convention? 12.What is the nation’s largest agricultural lobby? 13.Has union membership increased or declined in recent years? 14.Abortion groups like the Right to Life League and the National Abortion Rights Action League are what type of interest groups? 15.The League of Women’s Voters is what type of interest group?

7 Questions 11-15 11.Democrats 12.Farm Bureau 13.Decreased 14.Single Issue 15.Public Interest

8 Questions 16-20 16.What type of legal brief might interest groups file for a case that’s within their interests? 17.What is the name of the problem faced by interest groups when someone benefits from their actions without paying dues? 18.What first amendment freedom best applies to the concept of lobbying government? 19.Most PAC money goes to what type of candidate? 20.Is PAC money more important in presidential or congressional campaigns?

9 Questions 16-20 16.Amicus curaie 17.Free rider 18.Petition 19.Incumbent 20.Congressional

10 Questions 21-25 21.What type of organization controls over 50% of PACs? 22.What term best describes how the media covers a presidential campaign? 23.From what source do most Americans receive their news? 24.When the media sets the national agenda what role are they performing? 25.When the media scrutinize politicians what role are they performing?

11 Questions 21-25 21.Corporations 22.Horse Race 23.Television 24.Gatekeeper 25.Watchdog

12 Questions 26-30 26.What is the term for when you vote for a Republican for one office and a Democrat for the other office? 27.What is the term for short clips from a political speech? 28.Which group would be considered policy generalists, parties or interest groups? 29.What is the term for the type of election in which there is party realignment? 30.The idea that interest groups provide the wealthy with inordinate power gives credence to what theory of power from unit one?

13 Questions 26-30 26.Ticket Splitting 27.Sound Bites 28.Parties 29.Critical Election 30.Elite

14 Questions 31-35 31.Are political parties highly organized and hierarchical or decentralized and fragmented? 32.What theory of power says that interest groups compete and balance each other out? 33.What is the term for the method used by public figures of leaking stories to gauge public reaction? 34.What is the term for the type of primary where only party members may vote? 35.What is the most prevalent source of news for people under 30?

15 Questions 31-35 31.Decentralized and Fragmented 32.Pluralist 33.Trial Balloon 34.Closed 35.Internet

16 Tiebreaker Rank the three cable news networks in the correct order of their ratings. 1=highest

17 Tiebreaker Rank the three cable news networks in the correct order of their ratings. 1=highest Fox MSNBC CNN

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