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Welcome from: Sycamore: Miss Chandler Elm: Miss Richards Teaching Assistants: Alison Green, Dawn Regan and Sue Ahmet.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome from: Sycamore: Miss Chandler Elm: Miss Richards Teaching Assistants: Alison Green, Dawn Regan and Sue Ahmet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome from: Sycamore: Miss Chandler Elm: Miss Richards Teaching Assistants: Alison Green, Dawn Regan and Sue Ahmet

2 Communication If you need to speak to us you can: * go via Office to arrange a meeting; * write a note to us; * give a message to person on morning door duty; * catch us outside at the end of the day. Reading Record & Homework Book; School Newsletter.

3 General: Label everything please – including shoes! PE Kit – Please ensure your child has their kit in school everyday. Please ensure they wear the correct uniform. No football strips please. Sycamore/Elm – Monday and Friday Water bottle (labelled) Monday afternoon is our PPA – Mr Davies and Mrs Bufton Medical – please ensure children have any medication they require in school, ie: inhalers. Please ensure these are clearly labelled. Art t-shirt: Please send your child in with a labelled art t-shirt. We will keep this in school and return it to you at the end of the year.

4 Behaviour Expectations Lighthouse Values; House Points; Behaviour Rocket; Star Chart; WOW Certificates; Sanctions; Dinner Time – white and yellow slips.

5 Homework Sent home on Wednesday collected the following Tuesday. Weekly: -Reading initialled 5x a week to receive a book worm. - Reading records will be checked weekly during guided reading sessions. Make sure children are reading a range of texts and they are answering questions to check understanding – question prompts on school website. -Spellings (weekly) - Copy spellings out 3x correctly -Times tables facts / division facts (weekly) - Times table card game, websites (speed challenge, hit the button) -Mental maths (ever other week) 2 x large projects over the year Topic/Literacy task 4 x a year

6 Topics in Y3 –Creative Curriculum Term 1 Earth Explorers (Ancient Egyptians) Term 2Healthy Humans Term 3Heroes and Monsters (Romans) Term 4 Jet Setters Term 5Plants and Growing Term 6Lights, Camera Action

7 Important dates and trips Egyptian Afternoon Friday 26 th September 2014 – Any extra helpers very welcome Parents’ Evening: 20 th and 22 nd October If any of you are free to help out in class please add your name to the list

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