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Suicide Awareness & Prevention Leadership Project Presentation Zoe Smith and Blake Anness.

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Presentation on theme: "Suicide Awareness & Prevention Leadership Project Presentation Zoe Smith and Blake Anness."— Presentation transcript:

1 Suicide Awareness & Prevention Leadership Project Presentation Zoe Smith and Blake Anness

2 Mission KnowResolve is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting mental health and reducing youth suicides through outreach, advocacy and education. Their goals are to increase help-seeking behavior, connect teens and young adults to available resources, promote the development of healthy coping skills and promote relationship-building among students on school campuses.

3 Facts & Stats In 2013 more than 40,000 people died by suicide. A person dies by suicide about every 13 minutes in the United States. Suicide is the THIRD leading cause of death among youth ages 15-24. Approximately 1 in 7 high school students seriously consider suicide.

4 Impulsivity Acute or ongoing stress Past or present self injurious behavior Chronic, excessive emotional or physical pain Psychiatric disorders History of suicidal thoughts or attempts

5 Frequent talk or threats about suicide and/or death Suicidal Plans Observable Signs of Suicidal Depression Withdrawal from friends, family and society Sleep problems (too much or not enough) Previous attempts Increased alcohol / drug use Self-destructive, impulsive, risky behavior Unexpected rage or anger Dramatic mood changes

6 1. BE WILLING TO LISTEN: Someone who is thinking about suicide is consumed by their emotions and psychological pain. Allow them to talk about how they’re feeling. Don’t judge them for what they’re thinking or feeling and don’t try to offer advice or “fix” them. Just let them talk. 2. If Someone is in IMMEDIATE Danger: If a friend or loved one is threatening, talking about or making plans for suicide, these are signs of an acute crisis. You should not leave the person alone and you should make sure they receive medical support or call 911.

7 Create a safety plan Get involved with church Therapy Volunteer Forgiveness Journaling

8 Dennis Liegghio is a professional speaker, the founder of KnowResolve, an independent musician, and the author of “Building a Foundation for Happiness”. Dennis was 14 years old when he lost his father to suicide and their last words were in anger. He blamed himself for his dad’s death and struggled with depression and thoughts of suicide for many years following his death. A song that he wrote about this experience was the turning point towards overcoming this traumatic loss and the inspiration for founding KnowResolve.

9 Watch this video to learn more about Dennis and his story with Knowresolve.. r=0

10 How did the videos affect you? How can you help someone who is having suicidal thoughts? What is your opinion on this topic? Do you think suicide is a big problem?

11 Bibliography All of the information for this presentation was found at the KnowResolve website. For more information about suicide prevention go to this site:

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