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Census Census – the gathering of population data about every 5 or 10 years.

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1 Census Census – the gathering of population data about every 5 or 10 years.

2 An aging population will probably mean: 1.more hospitals 2.more retirement homes 3.smaller workforce 4.different consumers 5.higher dependency ratio (fewer taxpayers) 6.more pensioners More younger people will probably mean: 1.more schools 2.more teachers 3.more daycares 4.higher dependency ratio 5.different consumers

3 The census data can be used by business: 1.Track population changes in areas. 2.Decide where to put new businesses. 3.Decide what businesses to open. 4.Market products to different age groups. The census data can be used by government: 1.Plan for new schools and hospitals. 2.Plan for increase in pension needs. 3.Adjust immigration policy. (allow more or less immigrants) 4.Determine electoral boundaries.

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