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INTERREG IV C CALL OPEN!* *1 December 2010 - 1 April 2011 Lorenza Paolucci, TTN meeting 9.12.2010.

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Presentation on theme: "INTERREG IV C CALL OPEN!* *1 December 2010 - 1 April 2011 Lorenza Paolucci, TTN meeting 9.12.2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 INTERREG IV C CALL OPEN!* *1 December 2010 - 1 April 2011 Lorenza Paolucci, TTN meeting 9.12.2010

2 2 PRIORITIES: INNOVATION AND THE KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY ENVIRONMENT AND THE RISK PREVENTION INNOVATION AND THE KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY Theme : Lisbon agenda; Who : regional and local authorities, and other stakeholders at the regional level; What : improving their policies, methods and capacities in the field of innovation and the knowledge economy; How : through the exchange and transfer of knowledge and experience between regions throughout the European Union, and the development of new policies and approaches.

3 THEME The renewed Lisbon strategy for growth and jobs in the European Union places a strong emphasis on further developing the knowledge society.… Europe’s potential for future economic development is directly linked to its ability to create and promote high- value, innovative and research-based economic sectors,… (from THE RENEWED LISBON STRATEGY


5 EX. OF TT PROJECTS APPROVED IN PRIORITY “INNOVATION AND TECH DEVELOPMENT” PROJECT NAME OBJECTIVESREMARKS NAN04MTo improve the regions’ capacity to shorten the gap between R & D and market testing new Research-to-Market processes, to strengthen the interregional collaboration by identifying and developing specific research and business opportunities in the field of nano/microtechnology, to increase competitiveness of innovation infrastructure at regional, national and European level, to improve the efficiency of regional innovation policies by drawing up recommendations and implementing best practices. 4 regions, 1 local author. + 1/2 research/tech centres Contribution: € 1.384418 Coord.: Reg. Dev. Agency of Asturias INNOPOLI S A regional/local authority + a university in Helsinki, Lodz, Manchester and Thessaloniki will perform study visits, workshops, seminars to identify regional best policy practices in the field of knowledge exchange between universities and enterprises. Coord.: Univ. of Salford INOLINKTo improve the reach (impact?) of regional innovation policies, through a better connection of actors within the regional innovation system, exchange of experiences in setting up and running of public structures and networks that support innovation and the participation in R&D cooperation of actors in peripheral areas and less innovative sectors. Coord.: Andalusian Technology Network

6 FURTHER INFO EVENTS 9 December -Regensburg (DE): German regional information seminarRegensburg 10 December - Erfurt (DE): German regional information seminarErfurt 17 December - Nicosia (CY): Cyprus national information seminar 13 January - Helsinki (FI): Finland national information seminar 14 January - Stafford (UK): UK regional information seminarStafford 20 January - Lithuania national information seminar 21 January - Riga (LV): Latvia national information seminar 9-10 February - Stockholm (SE): Swedish INTERREG forum and Sweden national information seminar


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