How Much Do You Know About Teen Sexual Behavior?

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2 How Much Do You Know About Teen Sexual Behavior?

3  True 35% in 2013.  Overall the numbers have decreased from 48% in 2008 to 35% in 2013.

4 FFalse OOOOnly 8% of females and 9% of males AAge of initiation to sex has stabilized over the last several years in NC in 2012, the youngest mother was 10 years old, the youngest father 13.5 TThe oldest mother 53, oldest father 78

5  False  47% of guys and girls have had sex by 12 th grade.  This is an overall decline from 1991 when it was 54%.  Only 33% of 9 th graders have had sex.

6 AAAAge of first marriage- Up, now 26.5 for women and 29 for men AAAAbout a fifth of teens say they don’t know any adults who serve as an example of a healthy relationship

7 TTrue 11116% of females and 28% of males 15-19 first had sex with someone they just met. 44442% say they were already friends before sex BBBBoys are most likely to have met their 1st partner at school or a place of worship

8 FFalse OOOOf the 47% of sexually active teens, 18% of males and 13% of females reported having 4 or more sexual partners in their lifetime. SSSSTD infections in teens have increased since 2008 CCCChlamydia’s highest rates are among teens 15-19. AAAAs of 2008, the South has the highest gonorrhea rates

9 FFalse MMMMost girls report curiosity as their reason for having sex than peer pressure. For guys it is the not so subtle societal expectation. BBBBut the younger the girls the more likely it was non –voluntary.

10  False  Of sexually active teens 26% of males and 18% of females reported using drugs or alcohol prior to having sex.

11 TTrue UUse has increased, but less than 1/2 of those reporting use say they use it 100% of the time. FFFFemales are more likely than males to discuss contraception or STDs before sex.

12  True  Overall 48% of females, 49% males report having had oral sex  Which is leading to the increase in STD b/c most say the did not use a barrier method.

13  The data in this quiz is National Data.

14 Teen Pregnancies Total Teen Pregnancies 15-19: 1,106  10-14 yrs. =42 Unmarried= 42  15-17 yrs. = 225  18-19 yrs. = 839  Repeat Pregnancies 15-19 yrs. old = 266 (20.4%)  Unmarried 15-19 yrs. Old = 1,008 of 1,106 (91%)

15 STD/HIV Data Total Cases: Chlamydia = 4,537 46% in the 15-19 age group (this age group accounts for almost ½ of all new cases.) This is higher than the State and National average. Gonorrhea = 1,595 32% in the 15-19 age group 32% in the 15-19 age group P/S Syphilis = 93 HIV = 339

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