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Abnormal Psychology. The Myth of Mental Illness Is there really such a thing as mental illness, or is it all just a myth? Are behaviors listed as disorders.

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Presentation on theme: "Abnormal Psychology. The Myth of Mental Illness Is there really such a thing as mental illness, or is it all just a myth? Are behaviors listed as disorders."— Presentation transcript:

1 Abnormal Psychology

2 The Myth of Mental Illness Is there really such a thing as mental illness, or is it all just a myth? Are behaviors listed as disorders just different, not wrong? Not sick? Is the notion of mental illness a convenient way for society to deal with people who disturb us?

3 Causes and Treatments Psychodynamic Approach  Foundations: Sigmund Freud Anna O. (early childhood experiences) Free association 5 stages of psychosexual development:  Oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital  Cause: Stress leads to symptoms  Treatment: Psychotherapy; reduce stress and aid coping

4 Learning Approach Foundations  Classical Conditioning → Pavlov & Watson  Operant Conditioning → Skinner Cause  Abnormal behaviors are learned in the same way normal behaviors are learned Treatment  Eliminating C.C. responses: extinction, flooding, counterconditioning  Eliminating O.C. responses: remove rewards for abnormal behaviors. Reward normal behaviors. Punish abnormal behaviors

5 Cognitive Approach Cause:  Symptoms result from incorrect beliefs  Incorrect beliefs stem from bad info. or unfortunate experiences that distort one’s view of the world or themselves  Incorrect beliefs are strengthened by: Selective attention to info. that supports the belief Changing memories to make them consistent w/ the belief Selective recall of experiences that confirm the belief Treatment: Correct the negative beliefs  Patients participate in experiments that are designed to test their beliefs (Albert Ellis case study)

6 Physiological Approach Cause: Abnormal behaviors are the result of biochemical and structural problems of the brain. (Hippocrates)  Stimulation of neurons in the brain causes the release of neurotransmitters (chemicals)  Low levels of neurotransmitters can reduce the transmission of neural impulses and consequently brain activity.  Reverse is true of high levels of neurotransmitters  Structural problems: failure of the brain to develop due to traumas such as stroke, diseases, head trauma. Treatment  Drug therapy, electrical stimulation of the brain, surgery

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