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Forward Muon Installation and Commissioning Dmitri Denisov Fermilab Director’s review 7/12/1999 Plan Forward muon detectors Mini-drift tubes installation.

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Presentation on theme: "Forward Muon Installation and Commissioning Dmitri Denisov Fermilab Director’s review 7/12/1999 Plan Forward muon detectors Mini-drift tubes installation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Forward Muon Installation and Commissioning Dmitri Denisov Fermilab Director’s review 7/12/1999 Plan Forward muon detectors Mini-drift tubes installation Forward trigger detectors installation Muon shielding Commissioning of forward muon detectors

2 Forward Muon Detector Upgrade Forward trigger: scint counters Shielding Forward tracker: mini- drift tubes Completely new forward muon system for Run II

3 1 < |  | < 2 A,B,C-layers Forward Muon System u 5,000 scintillation counters u 50,000 mini-drift tube channels u Each plane consists of 8 octants  Total detectors weight is ~100ton with coordinate accuracy of 1mm/10m  

4 Mini-drift Tubes  Here will be individual mini- drift tube picture

5 Pixel Picture  Here will be individual pixel picture

6 Forward Muon Trigger System Assembly Status u All parts for all 48 octants are at Fermilab: counters, mounting brackets, etc. u 43 out of 48 octant frames are made u Calibration system production is keeping pace with octants assembly u 30 out of 48 octants assembled and tested and ready for installation: s all tubes, fibers, cables are tested s calibration with r/a source and LED calibration system is performed and documented u On schedule

7 Octant assembly  High quality picture of assembled octant will be here

8 Forward Muon Tracking Assembly Status u All 2300 mini-drift tubes for A layer are tested at Fermilab, all 2100 C layer tubes are at Fermilab, tests are under way u Production of B layer tubes continues at JINR: 50% completed u Assembly of A layer octants u Critical items for installation s keep A layer octants assembly and testing on schedule s finish B/C layers drawings and procure all materials Tests of assembled octant in Lab F

9 Installation of Mini- drift Tubes  Octants are mounted individually on 3 supports, which are attached to magnet (A and B layers) or C layer trusses  Required accuracy of installation is 10mm, required accuracy of octant survey is 0.5mm  After octants are installed u survey u connection to gas system u connection to slow control system u connection to front-end electronics u connection to high voltage system  Current status: design of octants mounts is finished, production started

10 MDT Mounts  Slide of C layer MDT mounts on C trusses

11 Scintillation Trigger Counters Installation  Each plane of counters consists of 8 octants  Octants are bolted together to form planes (A and B layers) or “half” planes for C layer  Planes are installed on supports mounted on magnet (A and B layers) or C layer trusses (C layer)  Required installation accuracy is 10mm, required survey accuracy is 2mm  After installation u survey u connections to high voltage system u connections to front-end electronics

12 Pixels Installation  Drawing of pixels A layer plane installed will be here

13 Shielding and C Layer Trusses  While C layer trusses exist from Run I considerable modifications are required to support 100 ton shield  The shield u 20” iron, 6” polyethylene, 2” lead  Operating the shield u Data-Taking Position u Transport Position  Design is finished, production of parts is underway with assembly to follow

14 Data Taking Position

15 Transport Position

16 Shielding  C truss reinforcement going on at MAB u C North truss pieces delivered to Lab G for preass’y & survey u C South truss ass’y underway  Stacking Lead + Poly into boxes at DAB Poly & Boxes in High-bay. EF Plug core

17 Time Schedule for Installation  Resource loaded schedule for forward muon detectors installation is developed  Assembly of C layer trusses and forward shielding starts in November 1999 and ends in February of year 2000  Installation of forward tracking detectors starts in April and ends in August 2000  Installation of forward trigger detectors starts in May and ends in September 2000

18 Installation Schedule  Here will be forward muon part of Bill’s schedule

19 Technician Manpower “All” - refers to effort assigned to all tasks in the schedule “Install.” - refers to effort assigned to a subset of installation tasks

20 Commissioning of Mini-drift Tubes  Commissioning of each mini-drift tubes octant includes the following major tasks u gas leaks test and operation of gas flow monitors u high voltage system check and dark current measurement u commissioning of front-end electronics u muon detection efficiency measurement using cosmic rays  Most of the tasks are similar to tests of mini-drift tubes octants in Lab F  Commissioning will be done by joint efforts of physicists from JINR (6), Fermilab(1), NIU(1), PNPI(1), UW(1) and other D0 Collaboration groups

21 Cosmic Ray Tests at Lab F  Here will be event display picture of cosmic muon in Lab F per Mont’s request

22 Commissioning of Forward Trigger Detectors  Commissioning of each scintillation counters octant will include u test of high voltage system operation u light leak test u response of counters to r/a source u operation of calibration system u commissioning of front-end electronics u determination of high voltage for each group of counters and settings for electronics thresholds  Most of the tasks are similar to tests performed in Lab F during tests of assembled octants  The commissioning will be done by joint efforts of physicists from IHEP (5), NeU(1), Fermilab (1), NIU(1) and other D0 Collaboration groups

23 Results of Scintillation Counters Commissioning in Lab F  Distribution of 96 counters response to r/a source  Stability of PMT gain over 6 months period for single octant RMS is about 10% Gain stability over 6 month is 3%

24 Manpower for Commissioning  Total number of detectors to be commissioned u 50,000 channels of mini-drift tubes and front-end electronics u 5,000 scintillation counters and same number of TDC/ADC electronics channels  The time for commissioning is short and determined by detector roll-in schedule  8-9 physicists will be required to perform each of the above tasks with help from electronics engineers and technicians  Most of these physicists are visitors from IHEP and JINR

25 Summary  We have good understanding of all installation aspects, but detailed engineering drawings and safety reviews have to be done: 1 additional engineer for ~ half a year  At some point techs participating in detector assembly come free, but to keep installation running in parallel with detectors production we need ~4 additional techs  Commissioning heavily relies on visitors from IHEP, JINR and PNPI, their presence and support

26 Mini-drift Tubes  Eight 1*1cm 2 cross section cells mounted in a single gas volume  Tubes length is from 1m to 6m  Fast gas mixture of CF 4 (90%)+CH 4 (10%) provides maximum drift time of 60ns  Coordinate accuracy is ~0.5mm  High detection efficiency  Tubes are produced at JINR (Dubna) and delivered to Fermilab where they are assembled into octants

27 Trigger Scintillation Counters  Bicron 404A scintillator with Kumarin WLS bars along two edges  1” diameter fast PMT with resistive base  About 45 different sizes from 15cm up to 1.2m  Minimum number of photoelectrons is 60 for largest counter  Time resolution is 1ns  Counters are produced at IHEP (Protvino) and delivered to Fermilab for assembly into octants

28 MDT Mounts  Here will be slide of MDT A layer installation scheme

29 Data Taking Position

30 Transport Position

31 Open Position


33 Assembly Plan  Shielding boxes ass’y  Assemble & install North + South EF plugs  Assemble/Test North/South C bottom truss and shield  Assemble/Test North/South C top truss  Installation of North+South C truss components  Installation of mini-drift tubes and scintillation counters  Assembly trusses and shield on the sidewalk  Move trusses into collision hall

34 Test Results of Mini- drift Tubes in Lab F  Summary of test results of 2300 mini-drift tubes in Lab F u Total measured 2302 (100%) u Rejected during tests 64 (2.8%)  Out of 64 rejected tubes the statistics is the following u Gas leaks 47 (73%) u Broken damping resistors 9 (14%) u Wire tension 7 (11%) u High dark current 1 (2%)  We expect low detector failure rate during commissioning

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