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PHOBOS TOF Construction Status

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1 PHOBOS TOF Construction Status
A.B. Hayes, E.B. Johnson, Robert Pak, R.T.D. Teng, and F.L.H. Wolfs University of Rochester supported by NSF TAC Review Brookhaven Nat’l Lab Nov. 6, 1998 Outline Detector Configuration: Baseline TOF Upgrade Components & Assembly Support Structure Readout Electronics Summary

2 PHOBOS Baseline Design
Multiplicity Array: Octagon Barrel Vertex Detector Ring Counters Nearly 4coverage ( < < 5.4 ) Spectrometer Arms: Detailed measurement of ptransverse down to ~ 40 MeV/c for pions.

3 TOF System Upgrade Required performance: TOF < 100 ps
Occupancy < 15%

4 Particle ID with PHOBOS
Baseline design relies solely on energy loss PID based on dE/dx: / K : p < 650 MeV/c K / p : p < 1.2 GeV/c PID based on TOF (TOF =100 ps): / K : p < 1.2 GeV/c K / p : p < 2.0 GeV/c 1.7 m from interaction point

5 Physics Impact of PHOBOS TOF
Spectral behavior of ptransverse distributions Extend pt region for and K interferometry Precise measurement of K/  ratios as a function of pt Study pt dependence of  meson production

6 Scintillators and Light Guides
BC-404 fast plastic from Bicron 8 x 8 x 200 mm3 Diamond milled surface finish Light Guides: BC-800 acrylic dog-leg design Machined at INP in Krakow

7 Photomultiplier Tubes & Bases
Hamamatsu R M4MOD 12 stage multi-anode PMTs Minimum gain per any one channel of 2 x at +800 V Maximum variation in gain (uniformity) is less than 50% per any one tube Quality assurance done

8 Assembly of components
Gluing of light guides to scintillators is completed Wrapping in reflective Al foil and first layer of protective tape is finished for all 240 detectors

9 Mounting Fixture Must precisely align light guides with the face of the PMT Serve as gluing fixture for PMTs to light guides Machining at INP in Krakow is completed

10 Magnetic Shields TOF detectors must operate unaffected by magnetic fringe fields of at least 100 G Prototype metal shield has been designed and tested in house Order completed through Perfection Mica

11 LED Calibration System
PIN Diode Splitter 470 nm (blue) LED from Panasonic (P465) Duplex fiber optic cables from Thomas & Betts carry pulses to each PMT Pulse width ~ 10 ns out of PMT (at +8 V) and bright enough to drive multiple PMT’s Light split between fibers and PIN diode reference LED Fiber Bundle (To PMT’s)

12 LED Calibration System
1 mm dia plastic fiber located in “dead-area” at center of PMT Upper-right light guide removed to show fiber NIM to TTL converter Pulser uses transistor in avalanche mode to discharge a capacitor through LED

13 Basic TOF Units Gluing of PMTs to light guides & fiber optics has begun Final assembly and testing of basic TOF units progressing well at Rochester (we’re under spec)

14 Benchtest: Crosstalk Crosstalk in PMT will not be a problem

15 TOF Support Structure Final design of TOF support structure nearly complete AutoCAD picture courtesy of our collaborators at INP

16 Readout Electronics Standard modules were chosen to reduce overhead from development of specialized electronics LeCroy 1458 HV mainframe with ARCNET card sent to BNL for work on Slow Controls Order placed with LeCroy for HV cards, FASTBUS ADCs and TDCs, and CAMAC discriminators

17 Cost of PHOBOS TOF Project
Total cost (proposal): NSF MRI Grant $328,129.00 Cost sharing ,196.00 $573,325.00 Actual current expenditures $475,346.80 Proposed current expenditures ,271.30 $1,075.50

18 Summary Solid progress has been made on all fronts for the PHOBOS TOF System at Rochester. The PHOBOS TOF System will be ready on Day 1 of Commissioning Run at RHIC. Stay tuned: Research/PHOBOS/Phobos.html

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