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Protein Synthesis.

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Presentation on theme: "Protein Synthesis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Protein Synthesis

2 What are genes? Gene: coded DNA instructions that control the production of protein in the cell We can’t do anything without proteins.  Instructions for telling our bodies what to do! Genes = Instructions

3 What are genes?

4 DNA PROTEIN ONLY found in the nucleus BUT……
Instructions found in nucleotide sequence of DNA PROTEIN Synthesized OUTSIDE the nucleus BUT…… Need to get instructions out of nucleus HOW?!?!?!

5 DNA vs RNA Decode DNA into RNA
RNA CAN move out of the nucleus to other parts of the cell Decode DNA into RNA

6 DNA vs RNA 3 Differences DNA RNA Double-Stranded Single-Stranded
Deoxyribose Ribose Thymine Uracil

7 RNA 3 Types of RNA involved in synthesizing proteins
1. mRNA (messenger RNA) Carries copies of instructions from DNA to other parts of cell  From nucleus to cytoplasm

8 RNA 2. rRNA (ribosomal RNA)
Sits in ribosome and decodes mRNA into amino acids (proteins)

9 RNA Ribosomes 3. tRNA (transfer RNA) Transfers amino acids (AA)
to ribosomes Protein factory Proteins = AA+AA+AA+AA+AA……….

10 Transcription (RNA Synthesis)
Process of copying DNA nucleotide sequence into COMPLEMENTARY RNA nucleotides. STEPS: RNA polymerase attaches to area of DNA molecule. RNA poly “opens” DNA molecule. 3. RNA poly synthesizes complementary RNA nucleotides (mRNA).

11 Transcription (RNA Synthesis)
Base Pairing Rules Nucleotides in DNA: A T C G Nucleotides in RNA: A U C G

12 Video

13 Translation (Protein Synthesis)
Decoding mRNA molecules to make proteins (AA/polypeptides)  TRANSLATING RNA sequence into protein sequence  Occurs on the ribosome  Uses all 3 RNAs

14 Translation (Protein Synthesis)

15 Translation (Protein Synthesis)
STEPS: mRNA in cytoplasm attaches to ribosome.

16 Translation (Protein Synthesis)
2. mRNA codon moves through ribosome.

17 Translation (Protein Synthesis)
3. tRNA (anticodon) brings matching AA. CODON ANTIcodon

18 Translation (Protein Synthesis)
Stopping and Starting START CODON = AUG STOP CODON = UGA, UAG, UAA

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