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Career Services Network Annual Retreat July 29, 2010 How to use the library to help students get a job!

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Presentation on theme: "Career Services Network Annual Retreat July 29, 2010 How to use the library to help students get a job!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Career Services Network Annual Retreat July 29, 2010 How to use the library to help students get a job!

2 D & B Million Dollar Database  Use D&B to create a target list of companies: —Select “Advanced Search” —Use the “Industry Criteria” to pick an industry you like (click on “select criteria” to add selection to the query) —Use the “Location Criteria” to select a particular geographic area for your search (click on “select criteria” to add selection to the query) —Run search, and browse results (click into a record or two) —Use other available criteria to narrow your list to less than 100 companies (if necessary) – ask me why! —Use “build files” to download your results —Log Out of D&B 2

3 IBISWorld Industry Market Research  For the industry you just searched in D&B, use IBISWorld to learn more about it —Browse the list of industries to find yours —Use the search box to search with a description/keyword —Read your results by using the “table of contents” at the left to navigate through the report, or click on the “Download Report” PDF option. Note the date the report was published. Are any of the companies on your target list mentioned in the industry report? What’s the current status of this industry? Is it growing? Do you think they’re hiring? 3

4 Business Source Elite  Use Business Source Elite to learn what is happening today in your industry or your target company —Use the main search box to enter your keyword or company —Use the “select a field” drop-down to limit where your search term(s) should appear —Click “search” —Use the “limit your results” box on the right to select current info (use the slider bar to limit to current year, or the “search options” link to get more specific) —Download or view a full-text article (i.e. the whole article as it appeared in the publication). —Ask me about SU Links and why you need to know about it! 4

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