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Honors Scholars 120.004 Freshman Seminar Computer Animation: Special (And Not So Special) Effects Fall 2007 TR 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM Engineering Building.

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Presentation on theme: "Honors Scholars 120.004 Freshman Seminar Computer Animation: Special (And Not So Special) Effects Fall 2007 TR 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM Engineering Building."— Presentation transcript:


2 Honors Scholars 120.004 Freshman Seminar Computer Animation: Special (And Not So Special) Effects Fall 2007 TR 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM Engineering Building 1011 Instructor: Bill White Engineering Building 3041 (618) Office Hours: MW 8-11:30AM, 12:30-3PM and by Appointment! 1

3 Tentative Syllabus - 1 st Half Week One Chapters 1-4 Week Two Chapters 5-9 Position Paper 1 Week Three Chapters 10-13 Panel Discussion 1 Week Four Chapters 14-18 Week Five Chapters 1-2 Panel Discussion 2 Week Six Chapters 3-4 Panel Discussion 3 Week Seven Chapters 5-7 Essay 1 Week Eight Chapters 8-9 Midterm Exam 2

4 Tentative Syllabus - 2 nd Half Week Nine Got Game: Chapters 1-2 Position Paper 2 Week Ten Got Game: Chapters 3-6 Panel Discussion 4 Week Eleven Got Game: Chapters 7-8 Smartbomb: Chapter 1 Panel Discussion 5 Week Twelve Smartbomb: Chapters 2-5 Panel Discussion 6 Week Thirteen Smartbomb: Chapters 6-8 Research Paper Week Fourteen Presentations Week Fifteen Presentations Essay 2 Week Sixteen Final Exam 3

5 Tentative Syllabus - Grading 4 Assignments Two position papers Two essays Six panel discussions One research paper One research paper presentation One midterm exam One final exam Grading Scale A: 900-1000 B: 800-899 C: 700-799 D: 600-699 F: 0-599 Late Policy Late assignments are accepted only with verifiable documented medical excuses!

6 The Illusion of Life Chapter One: An Art Form Is Born 5 What Is “Animation”? “The rapid display of a sequence of images in order to create the illusion of movement.”

7 The Illusion of Life Chapter One: An Art Form Is Born 6 What distinguishes animation as an art form from mere cartoons? “Gertie The Dinosaur” “Gertie The Dinosaur” (1914) “Gertie The Dinosaur”

8 The Illusion of Life Chapter Two: The Early Days: 1923-1933 7 Traditional hand- drawn animation was a laborious process. The pegbar at the bottom of the animator’s platform is used for registration (i.e., to ensure the alignment of consecutive images).

9 The Illusion of Life Chapter Two: The Early Days: 1923-1933 8 To save time and effort, various techniques were developed, including the use of action cycling and cel animation. What other cost-cutting techniques were commonly used in traditional animation?

10 The Illusion of Life Chapter Three: The Principles of Animation 9 Squash & Stretch Anticipation Staging Straight Ahead Action & Pose to Pose

11 The Illusion of Life Chapter Three: The Principles of Animation 10 Follow Through & Overlapping Action Slow In & Slow Out Secondary Action

12 The Illusion of Life Chapter Three: The Principles of Animation 11 Exaggeration Timing

13 The Illusion of Life Chapter Three: The Principles of Animation 12 Appeal Solid Drawing

14 The Illusion of Life Chapter Four: Discovery: 1934-1936 13 Why change an established animated character’s appearance?

15 The Illusion of Life Chapter Four: Discovery: 1934-1936 14 Disney’s “The Old Mill”

16 The Illusion of Life Chapter Four: Discovery: 1934-1936 15 How important are the voices of animated characters?

17 The Illusion of Life Chapter Four: Discovery: 1934-1936 16 Disney’s Multiplane Camera 11 feet high 11 feet high 7 foot plates of glass 7 foot plates of glass 5 background/foreground levels 5 background/foreground levels

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