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CCC 2007-08 Planning & Assessment “Wrap Up” Findings & Recommendations By: Diane Drebin, Kate Gray and Judy Redder (a.k.a.“The Wrappers”) 06/02/08.

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Presentation on theme: "CCC 2007-08 Planning & Assessment “Wrap Up” Findings & Recommendations By: Diane Drebin, Kate Gray and Judy Redder (a.k.a.“The Wrappers”) 06/02/08."— Presentation transcript:

1 CCC 2007-08 Planning & Assessment “Wrap Up” Findings & Recommendations By: Diane Drebin, Kate Gray and Judy Redder (a.k.a.“The Wrappers”) 06/02/08

2 The “Big” Planning & Assessment Picture – Why do Wrap Up? Continuous Improvement

3 Assessing the CCC Planning Process Striving for Continuous Improvement Objectives 1)Divisions/Departments will better understand the planning process 2)The planning template will serve as a tool that helps us understand how priorities connect to activities, and activities connect to outcomes, and outcomes connect to improvement Assessment Activity Provide Wrap-Up sessions with Departments & Divisions to gather data/feedback Consider the Results Organize our findings from the Wrap Up sessions in order to report out and provide some recommendations based on these data Share the Results Report out to the college community with regard to our findings and recommendations Goal CCC will develop a meaningful and useful planning process that connects planning to mission, goals, and resources. Revisit and Revise The college will make adjustments where needed; incorporate new understanding; and, expand new ideas based on assessment of the planning process

4 The “Wrap Up” Charge Assist Departments and Divisions with the completion of their 2007-2008 planning templates Assess the 2007-2008 planning process Report back to the Planning Committee and Executive Team regarding Wrap Up findings and provide some recommendations for the 2008-09 planning process

5 Assist Divisions/Departments with the Wrap Up of 2007-08 Planning Methodology – Review departmental planning templates and provide feedback with regard to content and next steps. – Provide three guiding questions to assist Departments with the completion of the measuring and documenting of “Actual Outcomes” on the Planning Template. – Gather information about the planning process by asking Departments to identify “Successes” “Learning” and “Things To Do Differently”. Goal: Meet with every Department and/or Division by the end of May 2008 for “wrap up” activity.

6 Examples of Wrap Up Tools (single click to open entire document)

7 What Happened? We met with 40 groups representing Departments and/or Divisions across the College. Feedback regarding planning templates was provided at each meeting. Questions, answers and discussion took place regarding template format, definition of terms, understanding of the process and next steps. Data regarding “successes,” “learning” and “do differently” was collected and categorized.

8 What We Heard Some Themes That Emerged The Template as a Tool “Document is difficult to understand what is needed” “New template makes sense and is helpful” Clarification of language is needed Usability of the template as a Word document is challenging Enables departments to connect institutional, divisional and departmental priorities Demonstrates the importance of departmental ownership and accountability The Template as a Tool “Document is difficult to understand what is needed” “New template makes sense and is helpful” Clarification of language is needed Usability of the template as a Word document is challenging Enables departments to connect institutional, divisional and departmental priorities Demonstrates the importance of departmental ownership and accountability Teamwork and Communication Departments would like more help and training from their Deans PT Faculty felt more involved with this process We realized more and better communication within Departments The process served as team building “It’s OK to keep asking questions until it makes sense to a lot of people.” Teamwork and Communication Departments would like more help and training from their Deans PT Faculty felt more involved with this process We realized more and better communication within Departments The process served as team building “It’s OK to keep asking questions until it makes sense to a lot of people.” The Planning Process “Open process – every voice heard and welcome” Time consuming Overwhelming Makes sense Instills a sense of pride in accomplishments Encourages creativity and dialogue Need on-going support and guidance The Planning Process “Open process – every voice heard and welcome” Time consuming Overwhelming Makes sense Instills a sense of pride in accomplishments Encourages creativity and dialogue Need on-going support and guidance

9 What We Heard – Part II Successes, Learning and Do Differently (single click for full document)

10 What We (The Wrappers) Have Learned The College has realized benefits of the planning process that will serve us well in the future: – There is a greater sense of unity and shared purpose – There is greater alignment of Targeted Tasks with Strategic Priorities and departments/division now see how they “fit” – There is greater communication taking place up/down and across the institution Many departments and divisions have been very engaged in the planning process this year…. some have not. Some of us really like the template as is… some of us really don’t. Some of us really like the process of planning….some of us really don’t. Some of us are beginning to understand the importance of strategic planning & assessment… some of us remain unclear about this.

11 Recommendations: As Submitted by Departments/Divisions Involve PT, FT, and ACE as much as possible. Deans to provide feedback and training to department chairs Deans to provide feedback more regularly. Develop both qualitative and quantitative targets. Use the planning document as an organizational and team- building tool. Be flexible enough to respond to changing student needs.

12 Based On What We’ve Heard and Learned… Our Recommendations Are: Revise the Planning Template – Use language that is more easily understood – Provide definition for each of the planning template columns – i.e., activities, target, measures & outcomes – Provide instructions and examples in each of the planning template columns – Improve upon the “performance” of the planning template document – Reconsider the use of color coding in the planning template

13 Recommendations Continued… Further Refine the Process – Provide “ramping up” assistance and training to Departments/Divisions before they begin their planning for 2008- 2009 – Establish benchmarks in the planning timeline that allow for self check and feedback – Better connect Deans with Departments for planning – Create time for Departmental/Divisional in depth dialogue and planning – not during In Service week – Continue to educate the college community about “why” planning and assessment is important and provide assistance with the “how”

14 Remarks From the Wrappers Meeting with CCC departments and divisions has been a great privilege and pleasure. Based on our findings, we believe that as a result of the 2007-2008 planning process, the college community has achieved a greater awareness of planning and assessment and has the ability to better: Prioritize institutional, divisional and departmental activities Begin to connect planning and budgeting Communicate and help determine the direction we go as a college Align divisional and departmental activities with institutional priorities Plan for, carryout, measure and achieve SMART outcomes that fulfill our mission

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